Santa Cruz -the band’s last Us tour was interrupted a total disaster. After the singer Archie Cruz swims in deep waters. Now life change to make you and in love with a man is all smiles.Video Archie Cruz music-themed quiz. IL-TVmusic in the world the competition is fierce. It also asks the hard condition. A couple of weeks löysäily can backfire and someone will take your place, Archie knows.Therefore, man working out, a personal trainer’s guidance and adhere to a low-carb diet. Inka Soveri

Santa Cruz singer-guitarist, Archie Cruz namely Arttu Kuosmanen , 27, hurtle fresh and good-humoured interview. The man has only just returned to Los Angeles and tell is a lot of good news:

the Band is together, single out and plate ready, the man summed up the main.

Yet a year ago everything was different. The band threw in the middle of the third Us-tour with Archie, according to the word out and stated that they heard this with no longer the same band.

we Were in the Seattle airport nearby and I was thrown into the yard of his own tour bus. I went somehow to shock, to feel that your own home and the security was taken.

I spent the night in a motel, I flew to New York with friends and then to Finland to start with a clean slate, Archie time events.

it’s a surprise the incident didn’t come.

– the Background seemed inflamed between the a long time. A pressure cooker just blew up the middle of the road. The details of the events are I got a pretty obscure, because the experience was quite traumatic.

man in Love has the modeling to make the surfer girl friend in Florida. Inka soveri tour was the error

a Man post about what happened after the bar to grab the image instagramii his. It attracted the attention of fans of the care of Archie’s condition.

Substance abuse was the band’s disintegration with less to do than what people imagine. Alcohol is easy to blame, but not because of the road even drink so much, Archie said.

were sorry their so musical differences like views on when and where to tour.

it Was probably a mistake to go for a third Us tour. I have already announced in the previous European tour, that if it doesn’t change, I won’t be able to continue. Tour was already booked and my work ethic is to deal with the agreed issues, so we left, Archie summed.

Surprise kicks are in the music industry quite commonplace.

But my goal is definitely not a shoe gang on to the yard. My aim is to put together a small family around me. The previous configuration with it was not successful.

– Everything has a purpose after all and now things are better than ever, Archie the sum.


In 2007, the official start of Santa Cruz began actually much earlier, Archie was in grade school. He set up already then the guy with his punk band.

– the first lyrics I and I compose the song was called Turhala. It went about so that ’turhalan in all is in vain, there the parents of the child murder’ or something like that so diippiä, Archie laughed.

I’ve been thinking about, that it should dig out. My mother’s words still somewhere in the patch.

Although the first song was born in finland, Archie changed the lyrics of the language in English as soon as it learn.

– Finland does not properly speak to me, it’s not very poetic language. But I like the English klangista, about how it soundaa.

Disc burners

Years ago after the breakup of the Archie hired the first new guitarist, Brody Derozan . This, however, remove the band from the ranks of the quietly, already after one month.

– the Russian Pavel contacted me and claimed to be Brody better. I saw his video and I was forced to conclude that she was right. I invited Pavel over to my place for the weekend, calling and jamming. After that, it was pretty clear that we need to call in the same band. Brody realized himself retired, Archie told the new configuration of the first steps.

When the word Archie continued to Santa Cruz a couple of travels, he began to receive direct confrontation of the band to the stuff of nightmares. Archie decided, however, that he will do the next album alone.

I had received in the past to conduct myself creatively due to conflicts and we had a controlling producer. I decided that now I do all the songs himself and played everything himself, and on that basis, then let’s continue.

Thus, the man was racking up the demo all last summer. Archie found an american producer, Kane Churko , and left in the autumn for three months in Las Vegas.

I Made a first music, and disk, after that I started last christmas to think about Pavel, who called the band. I already had a yankee drummer, but he couldn’t play the new songs. Although still good friends we are, I had to give him shoes, Archie laughed myself patterns.

Ice percussion

Pav Cruz in addition to the new assembly were taken bassist Eemi ”the Difference between Cruz” Lamberg and drummer Thomas ”Toxy Cruz” Lehtonen . These Eemi is it the same guy with whom Archie music already in elementary school. Finnish flew to the united states and began to work out songs.

– We had a good bootcamp. Playing alongside we went hiking, we worked out at the gym and ate healthily, Archie told me.

As a band our main target is the foreign market, the disk, too, was worked in the united states.

the Album appeared in the autumn, but the first of a new configuration of single, Changing of the Seasons, was published last week.

Santa cruz’s music has been described as hard rock than glam rock. The new disc is going to be modern metal.

the Former albums were more esikuville bowing, this now belongs to my own voice.

Although actually, I don’t even want to categorize. I think it is stupid to pigeonhole genres, share good and bad with enough.

the Santa Cruz name for Archie, but the old songs are not his property. If the former band members want them to call, it is completely allowed. Archie doesn’t know my ex-colleagues ‘ plans. In fact he intends to present the old songs at gigs, if the fans their wish.

Although the band has been in existence for more than ten years, it’s not Archie, according to hit yet properly through, although Emma-ehdokkuuksiakin is loosened.

It’s been like that the ice running with a stick. If the condition of a breakthrough does not come with this then the next disk. The groundwork is now at least do a lot. From metallica, five plates before the breakthrough, Archie recalls.

on the other Hand, he knows that some of the old fans will also rip to game pants.

But the new disc we will have also seven times more new fans, Archie predicted.

Santa cruz’s current lineup from left to right: Pav Cruz (Pavel Popov), the Difference between Cruz (Eemi Lamberg), Archie Cruz (Arttu Kuosmanen) and Toxy Cruz (Tuomas Lehtonen) Zack kilbane love in Florida

Santa Cruz will leave in the summer for a few festivals, starting in August American tour.

Archie is held within the torque and conflicts in a lesson learned.

I admit, I was pretty awkward people, yes I have been wrong. Solution to a problem is different now. Previously opened viskileka, if something sucks, now I go to the gym and beat a punching bag or to the gym, Archie told me.

Completely he has not put the bottle cap to the stick, but the fitness is replaced ryypiskelyn. Man has a couple of personal trainer and he follows a low-carb diet.

– the Goal is to Jared Leto -huh? physical fitness, Archie refers to the Oscar-winning actor and muusikkoon.

the music in the world the competition is fierce. It also asks the hard condition. A couple of weeks löysäily can backfire and someone will take your place, Archie knows.

One of the reasons a man freesiin nature and a good mind is the Instagram contact picture in a glimpse by the blond beauty.

He is Daylon , a surfer and model from Florida. We met on tour in 2016 and we started to keep in touch.

I Guess I can now say that he has a girlfriend, Archie recognition and the smile widens from ear to ear.