It is not clear where ISIS chief al-Baghdadi is. If he was alive, was long a mystery. Therefore, the Video that IS widely used recently from him, surprised.

The self-proclaimed Caliph sits cross-legged on the floor, next to him a storm is leaning the rifle on the wall. He speaks in a quiet tone. The “fight of the Islam and his followers against the followers of the cross” will take a long time, he says. “Our fight today is a war of attrition is war.” And the Jihad is to be conducted “until judgement day”.

On early Monday morning released the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IS) is a roughly 18-minute long Propaganda Video relevant Internet channels. It shows their leader, the Iraqis, Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri, better known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. For the first time since July 2014, the 47-year-old terrorist-in-chief showed himself to his followers in a video message.