“German breakthrough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”

“In the last year, reduced Germany’s emissions of greenhouse gases by 4.2%, the first noticeable reduction in five years, according to environment minister Svenja Schulz. The decrease can partly be explained by the mild weather, with reduced heating requirements of homes as a result.”

“But also an increase of solar and wind power contributed, said Schultz.”

“Germany, which is Europe’s largest economy, abandoned in the last year Parisavtalets targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 40% by 2030. Experts believe the goal to be onåbart then the conversion from coal and fossil bilbränslen pulls out on time in the country.”

“in Total, the country’s emissions of greenhouse gases to the 868,7 million tons in 2018, more than 30 per cent lower than the benchmark 1990 levels.”