“German social democrats turn up again,”

“the popular support for the German social democratic party SPD has increased after the party launched a welfare plan.”

“With more generous unemployment benefits, increased pension and raise the minimum wage hope in the party to win back voters from the ytterpartierna to the right and the left.”

“the number of votes Cast for the SPD has increased by two percentage points in the latest week, from 17 to 19 percent, shows a survey Image am Sonntag made. There is a sharp increase since its bottom of 14% in november and means that the party for the first time since October yesterday on the greens of The greens.”

“Regeringspartnern conservative CDUu002FCSU remain at 30 per cent.”

“a week ago launched the SPD is a strategic document that represents a break with the social reforms introduced by the former chancellor and party leader Gerard Schröder in the early 2000s. The so-called Hartz-reform has been hailed for having revitalized the German economy, but also been criticized for having undermined the social fabric.”

“With the welfare plan to the SPD to try and win back disaffected voters who have gone over to the the left (Die Linke and the right-wing populist AFD. In addition to the EU elections in may, Germany has four delstatsval in the year, including three in the former east Germany which is a stronghold for the AFD.”

“the Proposals mean height of the state pension, extended unemployment benefits, in particular for the elderly, and increased unemployment benefits for parents. The aim is also that the minimum wage should be raised from nine to twelve euro an hour (about 125 sek).”

“The proposed reforms might be just the party leader Andrea Nahles need. She has received internal criticism in line with the rates plummeted, and the former leader Gerard Schröder has gone out and criticized her for making amateurish mistakes.”