Energy prices are exploding, security of supply is not guaranteed and the cold season is just around the corner from the poorly sealed front door. It is understandable that the majority of Germans have completely lost their heads and have no idea what to do about enormous bills and heating systems that are turned up to the max.

“I would be very happy if a politician finally came around the corner with good advice from above,” complains Manuela B. Hämmert on behalf of the millions and millions of Germans who currently feel that politicians consider them to be too responsible .

“How does turning down the heating thermostat affect consumption and the bill? What could you possibly do about it if it is too cold in the living room? I’m really too stupid to find an answer on my own,” says Hämmert, who has been turning the hot water tap in her shower on full blast for hours and is still wondering whether that’s good or bad for his wallet and the fill level the gas storage facility is in Germany.

Like most Germans without a well-stocked bank account, the office worker and mother of two feels let down by the intelligent part of society. “It would really be nice if experienced politicians like Wolfgang Schäuble, the President of the Bundestag for many years, Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Roderich Kiesewetter, a CDU foreign affairs expert, or Joachim Gauck, the former Federal President, could finally tell me how I should behave now.” , Hammers helplessly raises his arms.

The 37-year-old reports that she heard a rumor somewhere that sweaters and washcloths should be helpful in the home and for personal hygiene. “But somehow my thick wool sweater doesn’t really dry after the shower and ever since I left the house with only a washcloth on, people have given me weird looks. Although of course they are all just as stupid and unable to live as I am and couldn’t say what’s wrong.”

In order to put an end to this situation, more and more German citizens are now praying for good tips from politics and business. “We finally want to be treated like children without impulse control who stuff themselves with sweets and stay up all night,” demands Hämmert, “but luckily there’s still time because it’s always so hot outside in winter, wasn’t it like that? ?

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