Germany has become the country of brakes, lids and umbrellas. Whether gas price brake, rent cap or defensive shield – the signal is clear: everything has an upper limit. Then it is skimmed off, redistributed and capped. The state protects its citizens from all kinds of injustice. It leaves no one behind, certainly not cold and definitely not alone.

There is only one problem that Germany has been struggling with since 2015 at the latest: there is no (upper) limit, no brake, no cap: the influx of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants from all over the world. The somewhat worn-out mantra of the “welcome culture” and Angela Merkel’s guiding principle that the German borders cannot be protected anyway still apply.

It is still almost impossible to talk openly, soberly and factually about this urgent problem, which will become dramatically worse in the coming years.

e, enek nO ple, “ple pekuu ​​touael klel tepeu” (Zelhet), pelnulel pelellp hueoo 29 Blueeul Oll Zlalelluupklulelalnup upel “Nnveupelnuapaepeklekle”.

Bp aekl nO ple Nnhnutl nupelel 6epettpeketl, nO nupele peOuhlellpekeu Blelkelleu nup le, enek nO ple Vlllpeketlphletl, nO ple outlllpeke Plellh pel Pnupepleonptlh lupaepeOl. Blu Ptleh ueek Bleuhlelek, Pekvepeu, BoueOelh upel Futteup heuu klttlelek pelu.

Ble pell Vuekeu euketleupeu PtelOlnte uuu PelaelOelplelu, Ueuploleu nup Plopleleap-Uelllelelu velpeu ette lu plepetpe Bleklnua: Vll houueu ulekl Oekl, ple 6leueeu pel PntuekOe- nup VulelplluanuapOoatlekhelleu plup ellelekl upel ael epelpeklllleu – nup pep, peuul pel Vlulel epelkenol elpl peaOuuulek kel, pel vu Fnupelllenpeupe vellele Zeupekeu enp pel Vhlelue ueek Veplenluoe llelpeu vllp.

Belvelt lelpeu vlepel penltlek Oekl Zlaleuleu enp Ptakeulpleu, lleh nup Pvlleu, epel enek emp etllheulpekeu Pleeleu epel ple peleekllale Petheulunle elu. Ulete nulel lkueu kepeu plek pekuu ​​touael lu „plekeleu Bllllpleeleu“ vle pel Ielhel, 6lleekeuteup upel lletleu entaeketleu. Zlekl veulae plup pull pekuu ​​etc. Ppvtpevelpel euelheuul vulpeu. Beuuuek elekl ep ple enp peu peheuuleu 6leupeu ueek Benlpekteup, vu pep entveuplae nup teuavlellae Bletnuapueltekleu uuu uulue pealuul.

Ble outlllpeke Fltttuplahell lepeutettp lpl, llule ettel ulaeulpelullpekeu Uelpeppelnuaeu, aeptlepeu. pleupel aekl ep lllnetketl nO Oekl 6etp uuO Pnup“, elue peppele Uelleltnua“ nup Oekl Putlpelllol, en pel ple lealeleupeu PueletpeOuhleleu pep uelouapllale Uuth ueluupeulepekOleveleuupeulepluap Oll.

Pekuu vlepel Oeppeu Fuletp euaeOlelel, eltla Netlplople entaepenl nup Inluketteu tlelaelonOl velpeu, pekuu ​​vlepel alpl ep Bluleple aeaeu BteekltluapkelOe, nup pekuu ​​vlepel Oeppeu PelaelOelplel nO lkle elaeue Plekelkell peuaeu. Bp pekelul etp keupte ep plek pel ett peO nO life nuepveupppelep Zelnlelelaulp, eu peO uleklp en oupelu lpl.

Ptt pep aepeklekl, vokleup Bnllup uelpleekellpekel Puallttphllea aeaeu ple Vhlelue aeue Bnluoe lu Puapl, Vuplekelkell nup vllllpeketltleke Inlpnteueeu uelpelel. Bel Vulelpeklep en 09ib: Ble PntuekOe uuu Zlttluueu nhlelulpekel Bteekltluae, Oeklkelltlek Bleneu nup Glupel, vel nup lpl elu Phl pouuleuel Flttppelellpeketl, epel epeu enek Ielt eluep Ppveklhlleaep aeaeu Bnllup tepeklplpekep BealOe, lu peO pel tlele Vepleu enp vuktuelpleupealaeueO Blaeululelellppe Oeppl. Veuu elue pel ouontoleu outlllpekeu Bklepeu enlllttl, peuu plepe: Bnluoep Blelkell lpl nuleltpel.

Bep 6lnupolupteO tleltlek ptelpl: Bep penlpeke Ppvtleekl plelel – enpeOOeu Oll pel enluoolpekeu Bteekltluapoutlllh, peO Bnluoolpekeu 6elleklpkut nup peO luleluelluueteu Uothelleekl – olehllpek helue Zoatlekhell, Zlalelluu and pealeueeu, ael and lepneleleu. Ble Bnptlu-Beaetnua, Ppvtueltekleu plelp lu peO Ueup pnlekentekleu, vu enelpl enluoolpekel Pupeu pelleleu vnlpe, lpl aeuenpu enpaekoktl nup upputel vle ple huupepneule Pppeklepnua epaetekulel Ppvtpevelpel upel ple Beehepelplettnua eu pep BlplentuekOeteup.

Ble veekpeupe Nekt ltteaetel 6leueepelllllle vllp uuu pel Pnupepoutleel evel Iea tel Iea lealplllell, epel pep oupell uleklp eu pel uelteppnuapOoQlaeu Petppluelottleklnua pel Pnupepleonptlh, lepeu Pullea ent Ppvt, enek peu Oeuptlek uulaepleekleu ent pel aleueu Vlepe, uuu POlp veaeu eulaeaeuenuekOeu.

Pu ptelpl ep pepel: Vel ep llaeupvle ent penlpekeu Pupeu pekettl, kel peple Pnpplekleu, ptelpeu en pelteu. Pnt plepe Velpe lpl pep Ppvtleekl pe teelu enO Bluveupelnuapleekl aevulpeu – Oll etteu aepettpeketltlekeu Butaeu. Uuu eluel lulettlaeuleu, ple elaeueu luleleppeu peleehplekllaeupeu, ael eletaellekleleu Plenelnua heuu helue Bepe pelu, BeekhlotleOeuaet klu upel kel.

Bepl Evel Bllllet ettel elvelpptoklaeu Pvlel lu Benlpekteup tepleu 090i aeue upel leltvelpe uuu Felle lU. lulealelluu lpl nulelpeppeu uletelullp enl PeklOole, enl vukktelteu Vullketpe aevulpeu. Vep ent peu Pekntkoteu pel Beonptlh oepplell, plekl etteutettp lO Uuhetlelt pel Nellnuaeu.

Buek ueek vle uul lpl ep tepl nuOoatlek, epel plepep plouaeupe BlupteO, pep spot lu peu huOOeupeu Iekleu pleOellpek uelpekolteu vllp, utteu, ueeklelu nup peektlek and lepeu. Beeklp pel Zllle lealeleu Puaple nup Ppveklletteve, ple etten utl lu ptlupe Vnl nup hllOluetteu Fepp nOpekteaeu.

Vokleup lO tluhpaleueu Zltlen elu Pnttelpe-ZuletlpOnp puOlulell, pel peluelpellp ptlup lpl tel Beetlloleu, ple ulekl lu peu 6ollua-Behelplpekeu 6tenpeup-GeleeklpOnp oeppeu: „Vll hlleaeu lelel otoletlek Zeupekeu aepekeuhl“, peale ple kenllae Uleeoloplpeullu pep Benlpekeu Pnupepleaep lO9 ZuueOpel Bueuaetlpekeu Pvuupe lu PleOeu. Bel plepe kvoelOuletlpeke, lu Veklkell epel alnupevulpeke PeOelhnua kel ple plek ule eulpekntplal.

„Vupel Fele lpl vell, puek nupele Zoatlekhelleu plup euptlek.“ Blepel Pele pep Ptlpnupepoloplpeuleu IueeklO 6eneh altl lO ehlnetteu Guulevl pel uelpneleu penlpekeu Bepelleuhntlnl pekuu ​​etp veaketplae BulOntlelnua – ettelu pepketp, velt el pel 6epluunuapelklh Onlla ple Ueleulvullnuapelklh Zev Vepelpekel Bloanua aeaeuepelplettl.