More people to buy electric cars in Germany, believes the authorities. Both for the environment and to get our economy back on top of the covid-19-the epidemic. One of the means to get more German to choose electric cars as their next vehicle are stricter requirements for how gas stations are decorated.
Thus, there will be a requirement that all gas stations be established charging points for electric cars.
It writes Reuters.
the Goal is that the many charging points should help to eliminate a potential rækkeviddeangst with consumers and increase demand on electric cars as part of its economic recovery plan of 130 billion euros.
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the Initiative, according to Reuters provide a ‘significant’ boost in the demand of electric cars together with the economic recovery plan, which also includes higher taxes for owners of large SUVS with gasoline engines.
part of the plan to get more germans to buy electric cars are also the buyers of electric cars will get a discount of 6000 euro, which is financed by the state. It is a doubling compared with the previous prize.
Germany’s announcement follows a French plan to boost sales of electric cars, which was announced by the president of the Macron in the last week.
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In Germany, the electric cars are a very small part of the total fleet. Last year, electric cars 1.8 percent of nybilsalget, while diesel and gasoline vehicles accounted for respectively 32 and 59.2 percent.
Therefore, arouses the initiative to provide more elbilejere in Germany, joy.
– It is a very clear commitment to battery-powered vehicles and establish electric mobility as a future technology, saith the energilagringsspecialisten Mobility House, if investors among other counts Daimler and Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi-alliance, according to Reuters.
– International places this Germany in the leading group of support of electric cars, says.
In march 2020, Germany has 27.730 charging stations, according to the BDEW, which is the German organisation for energy and the water industry.
It is estimated that in order to be able to get a masseudbredelse of electric vehicles in Germany must be 70.000 charging stations and 7000 hurtigladestationer.
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