“want What we rely”: Winfried Kretschmann has released in the last autumn of a book, which lays out a “new idea of the Conservative”. This is remarkable, as Kretschmann, a politician of the Green party, and one of the most successful ever.

As the only Green he ruled for eight years, a German Federal state, Baden-Württemberg is also one of the largest and richest. His followers consider him a pioneer of the “new left citizens the rule of law,” his critics, however, for a pragmatist, the degenerates in Power to the faint-hearted opportunists.

“no duration of event splits”

Just the soon to be 71-Year-old back to his own camp. After a conversation with four student representatives, to organize on Fridays, climate protection demos, said Kretschmann in Stuttgart, he parts the motif of the protests, however, find that the school strikes will have to slowly come to an end.

He could see that it is critical that the young people demonstrated during school time: “this can’t go on forever.” The students showed to passion. It is actually to your future. To skip the school , the case under civil disobedience. “Only Civil disobedience is a symbolic act. This can be not a permanent event.”

If you violate the rules, it can be expected to also have sanctions, which belong to the civil disobedience. “If you will sanctioned, you must not whine.”

First schools threatened with sanctions

Kretschmann himself was a career threatening in the ‘ 70s, as a former Maoists and prospective biology teachers in the ban, so he has a clue what he is talking about. He believes, at some point it’ll come to penalties against climate strike at the end of students. “Otherwise, each chooses his subject, he is charging somehow, morally – and this is not possible.”

the First German schools have just started to threaten with sanctions. On Monday, the Director of the Wilhelm-hausenstein-gymnasium in Munich to set up a newsletter. His school have so far responded favorably to the absence of young climate activists. But this week should again apply the law, the school, parents and students to ensure the teaching force.

you will, in the Future, climate strike conditional is Missing, not only with Refer to be punished, but, at best, with Fines for parents. At the school you spoke of up to 350 Euro. Possible Fines are quite, since tails is legally a so-called offence. In the past they were imposed, but rather against parents who drove shortly before the start with your children in the holidays.

so Far, it is left largely to the schools, how you deal with the “Friday for the Future”-strikes. However, with increasing duration of the protests, the example of Munich could make school.

“It is true, that makes us steam.”Angela Merkel

Still, there is, of course, friendly tones. As German Chancellor Angela Merkel this week, a Berlin high school attended, praised the youth climate movement once again, profusely. “It is true, that makes us steam,” she said in a discussion with students. In order to achieve the national climate goals up to 2030, need it, especially in the transport drastic measures. “We can only achieve this by a radical change to electric mobility or hydrogen, or other things,” she said.

Merkel, who had led in 1995 as Minister of the environment of Helmut Kohl, the first world climate conference in Berlin a success, has long been regarded as the climate Chancellor. She has lost this reputation, and the former ambition, but a while ago. It was seen as a curious thing, recently wrote the very moving “time”, that Angela Merkel, of all things, protesters praise that went against the consequences of their policies on the street.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 03.04.2019, 16:34 PM