“Get ICE-returner to wait for Sweden”

“As in last year, only a few people that in the years to return to Sweden after having acceded to the terrorist group in Syria and Iraq. The assessment makes the National centre for terrorhotbedömning (NCT) for the year, reports Swedish Radio ” Ekot.”

“It is very difficult to leave the conflict zone, who is at the place was difficult to take out from there quite easily, and we are of the opinion that it will not generate any increase in the number of returner to Sweden, but it will continue to be at a low level,” says Linda Thörnell, head of the NCT, to the Echo.”

“How many swedes who have travelled to join IS or other groups is unclear, in the past there have been unsafe data that it would be around 100 people.”

“The report also finds that member IS the ability to inspire attacks may have decreased slightly, while the group is the greatest inspiration for terrorist attacks in the western world.”

“terror Threats from the extremist environment in Sweden is expected to be low in 2019.”