It almost goes without saying that the country’s radiobosser not let it go unnoticed when a – in radiomæssig context – untested name suddenly manage to get more than 400,000 to listen with. A number of listeners, most stations can only dream about, in a time where there is cut-throat battle for the danes ‘ ears.

And since the famous radio show, where Iben Maria Zeuthen and Ghita Nørby crossed swords – among other things, on the most reasonable size of microphones – has more radio stations now suddenly had their eyes opened to the old ‘Matador’-the star’s obvious radiopotentiale.

Ghita has at the time of writing – according to Ekstra information – received offers from several radio stations around the country. Among other things, she has been offered a permanent place on the morgenholdet at Nova FM.

it Also reaffirms should receive additional emergency funding-the legend Søren Dahl, that he was soon out with an offer for her to become a regular partner on his weekly radio talk show, sent from the Café Hack.

It is, however, ended up to be DR, that is, the course with the sought-after lady. And it has certainly not been neither cheap or easy to get Ghita Nørbys signature in the house, estimates an expert.

– It is exceptionally well seen by the DR to bet everything on that sure Ghitas coveted signature on a radiokontrakt. Thus hope they are undoubtedly to be able to take a little of the wildness, unpredictability and anarchistic approach to modern should receive additional emergency funding, as competitors in the Radio24syv has had so much success with, say radioekspert Oluf Bangsen to Ekstra Bladet.

Ghita will in the future be experienced in the ether along with his partner Malene Schwartz, who also is the radio-the debutant and, moreover, also known from ‘Matador’, where she played the role of Maude. The two may soon be experienced in the P1 in the programme ‘Danish Divas’, where each week takes a new person under the loving treatment.

It has not been possible to get a comment from Ghita Nørby, who has previously stated that the instructors no longer stand in queue to hire her, now that she as 84-year-old, unfortunately, still is in direct competition with much younger women.

She writes, however, in an email to Ekstra Bladet, she is always open to new challenges – only it is done on her terms.


Requirements: Will even select microphone

Ghita Nørby and the microphone, which was to provide the radio program ’the Whole of Denmark Ghita’ more than 400,000 listeners. Photo: Radio24syv / Mogens Flindt

If you have heard or read about the program, who shot Ghita Nørby into the top of the radio-headhunternes chart, you will know that the Nørby has an impressive great knowledge about the technical side of modern radio production.

Therefore, she has, according to DR included a clause in his contract, which means that she must choose which equipment – including the size of the microphone must be used during filming.

She has also conditional that will only be served tea and under no circumstances tea during the broadcasts.


the Hair will be the first guest

– Ghita has on numerous occasions proven that she has talegaverne in order. She will be a big win for the Danish broadcasting corporation, says Ghita Nørbys friend and hairdresser, Dennis Knudsen. Photo: Mogens Flindt

DR informs in a press release, to Ghita from the very beginning had settled on the fact that the programs may not be for long, as she from personal experience know that it can be backbreaking for an interviewee to be available for a long time.

Why is the format ended up to be in-depth portrætudsendelser of 17-minute duration. As the first guest is managed Ghita to get his hair over the past many years, Dennis Knudsen, on the hook. Filming started today, Monday 1. april.

– Ghita and I have small-talket in the salon for many years, so for me makes it not really the big difference is that now also going to be a small microphone on. The hardest part will be enough to keep the scissors in the ro, says Dennis Knudsen to Ekstra Bladet.