Trond Giske was not the deputy leader of the county Party, so a majority of the committee wanted. Nevertheless, the long-time Ap top Wednesday unanimously chosen as board member of the Trøndelag Ap, as well as a member of the executive committee.

It is met with strong reactions from several directions.

the Unanimous set

For just over a year ago, Giske as deputy head of the Ap at the national level after there had been several alerts about sexual harassment.

Earlier this month, it became known that the Labour party ends the case against Giske and open for a comeback for him.

Giske had appealed the treatment of varslingssakene, but the Ap maintained the conclusion that Giske has breached the party’s guidelines on sexual harassment was standing. The party has not taken a position on the alerts involves offences.

Several now believe it is too early for the former Ap-the deputy chair to return to a toppverv.

– Damage party

Among those who have been critical of Giske will be able to come back in a toppverv is the leader of the Oslo Labour party, Frode Jacobsen, who faced the NRK describes it as “strange that one is now considering to give Giske the trust this means”. The same mean kvinneledere in the party, while the leader in Rogaland Ap’s kvinnenettverk – Reed-Len Strandskog – believe Trond Giske damages the party.

Støre: – Now must Trøndelag Ap use all the powers at politics

at the same time has Giske broad support in Trøndelag, where seven of the eight lokallagsledere in the former the Nord-Trøndelag want Giske welcome.

Ap-leder Jonas Gahr Støre gives also expressed that he is satisfied with the setting.

It seems that the committee has done a good work. The case attracted the involvement and strong opinions, so that they have come to an agreement, are signs of good work. Trøndelag Ap is the largest fylkespartiet. It has been marked by internal turmoil and division, ” said Støre to Wednesday, and added:

– A divided party is weaker in the run-up to an election campaign than a unified party. Now can fylkespartiet get political on the offensive.

Giske-claim kept hidden for varslerne – Sad

Sunniva Andreassen, one of the women who warned the Labor party about inappropriate behavior from Giske, believes, however, it sends a wrong signal.

I think it’s sad, and worried, ” says Andreassen to Dagbladet.

In February of last year it became known that Andreassen had notified about the two cases. When the two met each other the first time, was Giske culture and she was 18 years old and a member of the AUF. The event took place in conjunction with an after party for ungdomspartiet.

She believes the setting of Giske as member of the board of the county Ap sets a standard party should not desire to be familiar with.

– It is with to legitimize that this behavior is okay … And it is kjipt, ” she says.

STOOD out: Sunniva Andreassen was one of those who stood out with their Metoo-the experience. Screenshot: NRK Show more Lamented

Andreassen says it don’t make no difference to her that Giske was not the much-talked nestledervervet of the county, and that he “only” was a board member.

– I’m very little concerned about giske’s career and what kind of role he has, ” says Andreassen.

Andreassen believes the case is not exclusively bottoms out in a matter of trust.

Tearful Giske lamented: – Varslerne deserve respect for their courage

When the case was rolled up in 2018 stated Giske said that he fully respects the Andreassens stories, and that he took upon himself the responsibility for what happened – even though he has denied that he has dealt in harassment. He also gave the Album an unreserved apology, which she accepted.

Still, she believes today that she also has experienced a lack of humility and empathy.

– It means that I almost think it is natural to compare him with Donald Trump. Trump is also very popular among his own, although he is not so popular among the people. But it is Trøndelag Arbeiderpartis problem that they are showing him trust, and it is they who must answer why they have chosen to do just that.

another of varslerne against Trond Giske, Line Oma, has also gone out and said that Giske does not deserve new trust.

– Still many jokes Metoo away – No signal

– For our part, this setting is not some signal that we belittle what has happened. Nor has David done, says the chairman of the nomination committee, Jorodd Asphjell, to Dagbladet.

– the Case is closed, it has been a year, and now many believe that he (Giske, red.anm.) even have to show themselves trust worthy, ” he continues.

Ap-veteran says it was not unexpected that it came the reactions, and says he has a great understanding of just this.

CONFIDENCE: Partikollega and member of parliament Jorodd Asphjell (tv) believe that Giske must get the opportunity to prove himself trust worthy. Photo: Ned Alley / NTB scanpix Show more

– It is clear that the committee has great respect and understanding for all the feelings that pop up in this case. Especially from those who have notified. It should of course, listen to and take seriously, ” says Asphjell.

He emphasizes again that the proposal should not be read as any signal, beyond that one believes Giske even to get the opportunity to prove himself trust worthy.

– If the trust should be recreated, so it must start a place. There he gets the opportunity if he is elected as member of the board of the county. At the same time so I want to emphasize that it should be safe and good to be young in the Labour party. If the coming alerts, we will always take it of the utmost seriousness. At the same time, it is also appropriate to take the person alerts coming towards being taken seriously.

SAY PARDON: Under the constitution of new Orkland Ap sorry Trond Giske for his abuse of power on the fly. Video: NTB Scanpix. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

He believes it has been important for the committee to attempt to balance the obvious divisions the case has been.

I observe from different quarters that some people think this setting is a defeat for David, while others think the opposite. Some believe it is too early for Sam to come back in a positions in the party, while others believe it is time. It is not so easy to balance this when the opinions are so divided. We in the committee have tried to balance this in a good way.

– Have not learned of Metoo

a year and a Half after that Giske-the case was rolled up in the Norwegian press, experience Sunniva Andreassen that a lot and a lot has changed. But not all of them.

Giske-alerts: – He should not get the new trust

– A large percentage of the population has moved on, and now look at the Metoo as a watershed. One thinks of a time before and a new time for Metoo-the movement. Unfortunately, there are still some who insist on living in a “before Metoo”, and who has not learned something of this promotion. It becomes very clear who it is, seen in the light of Wednesday’s news, ” says Andreassen who have pulled themselves out of the policy.

Trond Giske has been given the opportunity to respond to the Andreassens statements, but do not want to comment on the case to the Newspaper.

In a statement on its own Facebook page writing, however, Giske said that he appreciate the confidence he has been shown by the committee of the county Party.

– such An election provides an even greater opportunity to drive with the policy where it means the most for me, among the voters in the hjemfylket my. It also provides the opportunity to be on the construction of the country’s largest fylkesparti together with members, elected officers and elected officials, write Giske.

Expect more

Andreassen says that she “in all ways” is finished with the event she had been notified, and that it no longer affects her.

– But I expect more of people in such high positions of power in Norway. One should be able to expect much more. But it is Trøndelag Ap get the answer why they still have confidence in him, repeats she.

Andreassen emphasises at the same time that she is pleased with how the party centrally processed varselsaken her.

React on the Giske-the comeback: – Longer way to go than one might think – Serious consequences

Jonas Gahr Støre emphasizes the opposite Dagens Næringsliv (DN) that the seriousness of the case stands solid.

I can again make her (Andreassen) that we do not accept the violation of our guidelines against sexual harassment, so we concluded in varslersakene against Trond Giske in the last year. It’s got serious consequences for him. Seen this way, the matter is closed, ” says Støre to DN, and adds:

the Lost trust can be won back. Andreassen is right that it is Trøndelag Workers who choose their representatives to their own control. About the annual meeting of the county Party provided the setting to select him as a member of the fylkespartiets control, so I take it to the intelligence

Kvinneledere in the Ap thinks Giske damages the party