– It is in fact exceptionally little in relation to the post, as he has had.

– today, top executives usually one to two years ‘ salary, because they have a job with a built-in risk of being fired.

so says Anders Drejer, a professor in the strategy and business development at Aalborg University, to dr.dk on the five months ‘ salary, the Danish Refugee council fired the secretary-general, mr. Christian Friis Bach, according to his contract, stands to receive after he and flygtningehjælpens parted ways abruptly yesterday.

– It is a ready firing, and now I try myself as a farmer, said yesterday from Christian Friis Bach, and quite many of the nation! and on Facebook – have since wondered how much money he could take with him:

– How many millions are there for his golden handshake, asked Inge H. thus, the Extra the Magazine’s Facebook page yesterday, and Varny A. also used the word ‘million’:

– He gets enough of the recently collected million in severance compensation, wrote Varny, with reference to, to a protestindsamling against islamkritikeren Rasmus Paludan created with the Danish Refugee council has collected well over one million dollars.

Policy – 21. apr. 2019 – at. 15:38 Protestindsamling against the City and continues after the millionen