This shows the latest election barometer: the Green Trend for the national elections in the autumn. A shift to the left is likely to in spite of Green Trends, but only slightly. Because the expected Gain of the Green loss in the SP.

Green: An increase of 2.4 percentage points compared to the elections of 2015 would bring the Green party to 9.5 percent of voters share close to the record level of 2007, as it is said in published on Thursday in the latest election barometer. Has created the research centre sotomo in Zurich on behalf of the SRG.

But is expected to increase GLP, namely by 1.8 percentage points to 6.4 per cent vote share. The Trend towards ecological profile already hinted after the last hot summer. He was now reinforced, but clearly, writes sotomo. Green and GLP had lost in 2015, voters shares.

losses for the SVP

The SVP predicts the Barometer losses. It is expected to reach 2.4 percentage points less than four years ago, but with a voter share of 27 per cent clear to voters-strongest party. A head-to-head race, the pundits expect between FDP and SP for second place in the rank list. Both came to 17.4 percent.

For the SP, this meant a loss of 1.4 percent. The FDP is likely to increase the vote share by 1.0 percentage points. In the case of the social Democrats and is likely to continue since the elections in 2015. The FDP has since 2015 in the forecast until the autumn of 2018 steadily, but now and again something lost.

The CVP came to 11.3 per cent vote share, which is 0.3 percentage points less than in the autumn of 2015. The authors of the electoral barometer to speak of a “sign of hope” in the face of the “doomsday scenarios” for the Christian Democrats. The BDP is expected to come to 3.3 per cent vote share. That is 0.8 percentage points less than in 2015.

change, especially within the warehouse

movements from one party to expect the other forecasters, mainly within the warehouse and, thus, overall, a slight shift to the left. FDP and SVP lose the bottom line of 1.4 percentage points, and the SP and the greens win a percentage point.

the losses of The SP to make the gains of the Green bet and also the gains of the FDP, the losses in the SVP. The center can easily grow: voices are likely to lose CVP and BDP, could go to the green liberals. Currently, the SVP and the FDP parliamentary group seats together 101 of the 200 national Council.

in addition to the health insurance premiums in the survey, voters are now included in Switzerland’s relationship with the EU is the largest political challenges. The 47 percent, one of the two topics to the top.

Behind the consequences of climate change and CO2, the Reform of the pensions and immigration. When a choice decision is made, the relationship with the EU the main topic is, however, the climate change and the health insurance premiums.

Green with most of the convinced voters

Green and GLP, the electoral barometer sees as winners, but there is a difference: 60 percent of those who want to choose the Green, do so with Conviction. The GLP owes by contrast, about half of their Choose of the fact that they see no Alternative – only 24 percent choose out of Conviction, green liberal.

According to the Green, the SVP has the most “fully convinced” Choose, namely, 54 percent. However, 38 percent said to choose in the absence of Alternative SVP. Of a long term commitment to the party, the SP benefited the most – 20 percent of your electorate called this motif as a basis for a Decision. The need for something New is in Choosing the young parties BDP and GLP to the greatest.

The political orientation of the party and the attributed-solving skills are the main in choosing of SVP, SP, FDP, Green, and GLP factors for the decision. For those who want to give their voice of the CVP and the BDP, on the other hand, the nature of the political sierens and personalities in the party a greater role.

The survey, conducted online, took place between 1. and 7. February on the Portal of the SRG and the Online Panel of sotomo. And evaluated the responses of 12’085 Voters who were recruited were self-weighted. The sampling error was plus-minus 1.5 percent. (Dec/sda)

Created: 21.02.2019, 17:53 PM