An extremely rough example of the mistreatment of a dog has just been unveiled in the capital city of Seoul in south Korea, where a dog got cut mouth up with a knife, so it came to look like ’the Joker’ in the Batman films.

The unknown perpetrators allegedly had also tormented the dog with a small flamethrower and a broken dog’s leg, before the ice was left dying on a landfill site in the metropolis.

the Perpetrators had tied the dog’s mouth along with the rope, so that it was neither able to eat or drink.

It writes multiple media including Pet Rescue Report , the Daily Mail

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Here is hundehvalpen Bobby at the vet after the many operations that saved its life. Photo credit: Viral Press

The battered dog is only six months old. It is a puppy of the dog breed golden retriever, which is now being called the Bobby of dyreværnsorganisationen ‘We Love Dogs’, who have taken care of the dog.

Quite miraculous was Bobby rescued from certain death, as it was found on the dump of the local people.

Bobby was subsequently treated at a veterinary hospital, where it was operated in multiple stages and in addition, was also treated with laser surgery.

even Though Bobby was abused in the grossest manner, has again given credence to the people who now take care of it as puppy. It runs eagerly over to the dyrelæger, who have just saved its life, and wagging his tail.

Volunteers from the ‘We Love Dogs’ has collected money for the treatment of Bobby, and the organization will also make sure that Bobby will get a good life in the future.

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the Perpetrators had also maltrakteret the inside of bobby’s mouth. Photo credit: Viral Press

A spokesman from the ‘We Love Dogs’ has stated the following:

We had to hurry to get Bobby treated. There were signs after the ill-treatment on virtually all of the dog’s body. And even though Bobby is strong enough to be healed from the many wounds on the body, the dog must have lots of help and support to become fully strong again, says the spokesperson, adding:

– the Wound on the mouth on both sides is either performed with a knife or a flamethrower. We have no clue what can cause people to act so foul. We try to find the perpetrator or perpetrators. We have called for information that may lead to a solving of the case. And people are allowed to apply anonymously, the spokesman said, concluding with, to emphasize that it is exceptionally fortunate that Bobby is alive today.

Here are Bobby treated on the operating table at the vet. Photo credit: Viral Press

today Bobby, it’s already much better. And he is wagging his tail and runs towards the doctors, who have just saved his life. Photo credit: Viral Press