“The growing interest for folk costumes,”

“Knätofs, bindmössa and the apron is on the way back in the closet. But the new wave folkdräktsbärare refrain hambo and snoa, and is not so careful with the right colour of socks.”

“When Ola Depui and his man 2016 started the site Folkdräktsmarknad they thought that they would perhaps get an ad in a month. Now, the site has 300-400 visitors. On the day. The interest in folk costumes grows big.”

“the Greatest is the demand for mansdräkter. Ola Depui see two reasons for it.”

“– During the 1900s dräktrörelse it was mostly women who got the costume so it’s not so much second-hand. Then, many have been up the eyes for the suit that högtidsplagg.”

“For those who wish to obtain a costume it is not just to go and buy one. Ola Depui say that much of what is for sale, size is 36, but the demand is size 40. The thought of sewing for yourself is not so easy. Hemslöjdsaffärerna where you could previously buy the material have largely disappeared and it is difficult to find suitable fabrics.”

“– Some fabrics, such as the striped homespun is almost not buy. Today, you weave yourself or contact someone who weaves. I believe that weaving is the part of the folk art that will grow.”

“For beginners, it is not easy to do the right thing. There are many rules and opinions about how careful you have to be with to observe them go apart.”

“– Dräpo – dräktpolisen – are the. There was such a thing as we were a bit deprived over. In the ordinary context, I do not think that you would like to point out that someone has the wrong colour of socks, but you have the costume, there are people who are not reluctant to do it.”

“– In the 1900s, when it took up the costumes so they made the choice. There might be ten different bodices and decided that one was right. It has resulted in the more uniform and regimented, ” explains Ola Depui.”

“– In the late 70’s there arose the principle of the exact recreation. In the 1970s and 80s it was really geeky. Then it was dräktmaffia, ” says Ulla Centergran, who has a doctorate in history and how they are used.”

“She advocates the word bygdedräkt, rather than costume. The other name is allmogedräkt, sockendräkt or häradsdräkt, depending on where in the country you are located and who you ask.”

“– the national Costume has always said that it is the people’s clothes, it is a social categorization. If there is anything you know about the costumes so it is where they come from, so geographically, it is more logical to say bygdedräkt.”

“In the day discussed the costumes, and the costumes in the facebook groups and pods, and many, documenting how their costumes growing up on Instagram.”

“Focus on the latest industry was during the 1970s and early 1980s. It also then became standard to sew their own costume by hand and be happy with the fabrics have been woven for yourself. Therefore, Ulla Centergran that you are looking for 70-talsdräkter when you are looking second-hand.”

“– 1970’s has higher quality and is not just any kind of teaterkläder. It is sewn by hand, and in the real fabrics.”

“In the 1970s and 80s was the costume strongly associated with folk dancing, which also had a heyday. Today, those who had their eyes for costumes from elsewhere, many have been involved with larp or vintage clothing and have an interest in historical clothing, and to sew yourself. They are often interested in recycling and needlework.”

“One who is part of the new folkdräktsvågen is Hannah Power in Bälinge outside of Uppsala. She is an experienced seamstress who has sewn historical clothing, but have not really ventured on the costume.”

” Fit is difficult. It is easy to put on modern glasses.”

“She has not made it easy for themselves. Everything is sewn by hand, as it should be, but handsömnaden filled a special function for her. Hannah Power began to sew his costume after her dad passed away and she needed something that took away from the sorrow. Many think that the suit should show where you will, but she chose the scanian Oxiedräkten”

“– It is a place that I associate with the bright memories of childhood. My grandmother lived for a while in Oxie, sweden when I was little and I was often there with my dad. And I’m baptized in the church there.”

“Her costume is both a recycling project and sorgebearbetning. Särken is sewn of hand-woven linen from her grandmother and the tips of the blouse also comes from her. In bröstlappen she has sewn into a letter from his father, and graced it with a bit of a carrying shawl as she carried her daughter in.”

“the Inspiration and knowledge to find Hannah Power on the network and of the museums that often have national costumes in their collections. She is not meticulous in that everything should be exactly as in the original, but nevertheless was happy when she found evidence that her särk with bobbin lace is not historically wrong.”

“– There are quite a lot of opinions, especially if huvudbonadens be or not to be. I myself am more flexible and think that you can mix popular details with the usual fashion. Oxiedräkten is also very varied in its expression, unlike more designed costumes.”

“the Sweater she knit, a so-called spedetröja, she thinks that you can have to regular pants. To mix the garments with regular clothing called to slimsa and is often badly seen among the most unorthodox, even if people made it in all times.”

“– They adapted their clothes to suit the conditions that we adapt our. They did their best to look as fashionable as possible, ” explains Ulla Centergran, whose daughter is in the teens matched bohussärk with a black skirt and cowboy boots.”

“The most important thing for the costume is not how accurate it is or what other people think,” says Ola Depui.”

“– Wear your costume with pride. It is you that should feel nice. If someone carping down on you, don’t worry about it.”

“What we today call the folk costume is the clothing peasants wore in the early farming community to show their geographical residence and social status. The costumes were inspired by the courage, but to a large part made of materials you could produce.”

“During the 1800 century’s first half, lost interest in for the costumes, but was born again in connection with Artur Hazelius founded the Nordic museum in stockholm and commenced their collection ortstypiska costumes from all over the country. The clothes became the role model of the 1900-century folkdräktstradition.”

“They are often strict rules for how the costumes should look like and how they should be worn arose in connection with the 1900-century folkdräktsrörelse. It was from the old garment, but the many costumes that were created were based on a stereotypical image of how a national costume should look like and which did not reflect the diversity that once existed.”

“In the early 1900s formed the Swedish women together with the aim”

“The oldest folkdräkterna in Sweden, dating from the 1600s, but it is created all the time. An example is the so-called Sverigedräkten which was created in 1902 as the ”

“Source: NE.see, Folkdräktsmarknad.see, Folkdansaren”