“Gwyneth Paltrow is reconciled on a 28 million – after serious skidolycka”

“the Doctor is accusing Gwyneth Paltrow for his brain injury.”

“Gwyneth Paltrow has been sued by a doctor in Utah after running over him on the ski slopes. “

“After the incident, he shall, inter alia, having broken four ribs and suffered a brain injury.”

“He is now demanding actress of just over 28 million. “

“Doctor Terry Sanderson from Utah is suing the actress Gwyneth Paltrow, 46, of just over 28 million after a crash on a ski slope in Deer Valley, Utah.”

“The lawsuit says Terry Sanderson that Gwyneth Paltrow should have come at a furious pace and went at him from behind. “

“The alleged accident took place on February 26, 2016, and Terry Andersson shall have incurred several serious injuries – including four broken ribs and a brain injury. “

“Gwyneth Paltrow took skidlektion”

“the Telegraph writes that Gwyneth Paltrow took a skidlektion in a green slope with her ski instructor, Eric Christiansen, when the accident occurred. “

“According to the lawsuit, she should have gone up, driven away and left the injured Terry Sanderson of the hill. Also skidinstruktören should have seen him, but have chosen to go from there to then blame him for having caused the crash. Also he is now being sued for money. “

“Terry Sanderson believes that Gwyneth Paltrow went too fast on the basis of their ability in the green hill, and that she also had been distracted. “

“the Telegraph has been in contact with Gwyneth Paltrows lawyers who declined to comment on the case. “