The well-known the, made by the Norwegian School Waksvik as a memorial of the pack that was shot in Hedmark in 2001, has guarded the entrance to the Nordic Wilderness of the Zoo in Kristiansand, norway since 2003.

Now is the removed, and the Zoo will be blamed for having made the choice on the basis of pressure from disgruntled ulvemotkjempere, type Agderposten, who talked about the matter first.

First there was melkekartongene with wolf on, and then there was bryllupskaka to Elvestuen, and now a statue. A statue of an animal is in a zoo. It should not have gone the way, says Anne Margrethe Vadder told the paper.

She is the leader of the organization Rovviltets Voice, who works for the rovdyrenes the right to live in Norwegian nature.

Ulvemotstander in the Right to attack on the management Provoked

On the inscription of the statue reads “To the memory of ulvedrapene in Large-Elvdalen in 2001”. This should supposedly be the one which has led to the passing of the statue, as the phrase has been perceived as a protest for forvaltningsvedtaket that went out to trap the pack in 2001.

Margrethe Vadder confirms the dissatisfaction her above the Newspaper, and says that she perceives Dyreparkens decision as meaningless.

– People today are so incredibly hårsåre. If it can’t even stand a statue of a wolf in a zoo that holds the wolf, so I do not know anymore, ” she says and continues:

– thus, It is hair-raising and provocative that the Zoo has allowed himself to be influenced by ulvemotkjempere, and with it removed the statue.

– Was not pressed

Academic director of the Zoo, Rolf-Arne Ølberg know, however, not left in the accusations of having allowed themselves to be “pressed” to remove the statue. He says they took the decision independently after several years with feedback and discussions.

– We have not allowed us to push off ulvemotkjempere to remove this statue. We had already talked about removing it for a while, before it was done, ” he says.

Warns against hestehandel about the wolf – That I find myself not in the

– Was the inscription on the statue really so provocative that the entire had to be removed?

– Ulvestatuen was made as a protest of an administrative decision, in 2001, where a flock of wolves were killed in Hedmark. This is the statue referred to as a “ulvemassakre”, something we think is an unfortunate use of words. It was not clear that the statue was an expression from an artist, and many believed this was an expression from us in the Zoo.

the Wolf stands strong in the Norwegian people, a Leader

– As the zoo, do you support not ulvearten?

– We have a strong commitment to artsbevaring, and wish that the wolf should be preserved in the Norwegian nature. But we also acknowledge that the issue around the wolf is difficult, and requires a certain amount of management. We want to contribute to increased knowledge about wolves, and hope the debate around ulveforvaltningen can be characterized more by facts than just hateful comments on the web, which originated from this statue.

– Should be given away

Ulvestatuen is now placed in a warehouse, but it is not a given that it will be standing there in all his time.

– It is possible that we put the statue out in the park again, but if we do that, after we have found a separate frame that lends itself better for it. It must be clear that the message of the inscription is an expression from the artist, and not from the us, ” says Ølberg.

Rovviltets Voice-leader Margrethe Vadder, mean, to the extent that some other “more worthy” should take over the statue to the annerkjente the artist.

– I understand what is said so that the Zoo has been the press to remove it, and if they now feel the press to set it up again, gets it wrong. Then it is rather better that someone who actually will be glad to set it up, takes it, she says.

Wolf field in Oslomarka. The first time in 100 years