There have been big snowfalls on the South coast in the course of the day, which has led to queues and trafikale problems.

” the Situation is difficult. There is snow all over southern norway, says Morten Nilsen by Vegtrafikksentralen the south.

He tells us that they have imposed over 60 wagon trains kjøreforbud. It is especially in Arendal, Flekkefjord and Kristiansand problems occur.

– HAVE their HANDS FULL: Morten Nilsen by Vegtrafikksentralen says that they have enough to do today. Photo: Sondre Transeth Show more

– Vogntogene consists of the tractor and the trailer, which is not appropriate on this conditions. They stop all the way up and going not on. It has happened several times in the day, ” explains Nilsen.

Vegtrafikksentralen has therefore seen itself compelled to refuse drivers to drive on.

– today we have his hands full, ” he says.

does NOT COME UP the HILL: Morten Nilsen explains that problems occur when vogntogene not going up the steepest slopes. Photo: Sondre Transeth Show more Trafikale problems

Police in Agder have also reported challenges on the roads.

When 15-time, it was reported that a wagon trains which had problems getting up the hill on the E39, the westbound direction, at the Lenesfjorden.

Almost at the same time drove a trailer stuck on the E18 to the east of Holt landbrukshøgskole.

HERE HARBOURS in the SNOW : the Entire 1200 loads of snow were being driven away from the Oslo’s streets in the previous week. Where do it? Video: Bymiljøetaten in the municipality of Oslo. Show more Show more

At 16 sign Vegtrafikksentralen about the dense traffic and a lot of queue in Larviksområdet in the southbound direction. Also here is the reason that the goods have problems. It should also have been an accident.

– There are no reports of any accidents with personal injury. The largest trafikale problems are on stamveien, E39, and goes out to help vogntogene in the steepest slopes. We try to keep the flow, but a little buildup there when the traffic is going slowly, ” says operasjonsleder Lars Hyberg.

Yellow farevarsel

It has been sent out yellow farevarsel for Agder and Telemark, precisely because of the amounts of snow leave as was expected.

The next few days, it comes a lot of snow in the southern parts of Telemark and Aust-Agder. Here you will get between 30 and 40 centimeters. We have sent out yellow farevarsel for the area, as there can be difficult driving conditions and trafikale problems, stated statsmeteorolog Håvard Thorset to Dagbladet yesterday.

as long As keeps the cold out