made by Switzerland-wide indignation wave: the game the head of a group of Lenzburg, which did not want to take the twins for a gay couple. Now she speaks for the first time with the “Aargauer Zeitung” about the background of the Case, because you want to make this right. Because you didn’t have faith, “as in all Newspapers of Switzerland are wrong things” about you spreads.
The game group head of stress, according to “Aargauer Zeitung”, that you don’t want to take the children because of the family constellation with two fathers have. Rather, the Problem was the fact that your game group has been actually already full, was, as the fathers want to log on to have two children. Nevertheless, you have discussed with the father by telephone the possibility of the children at least half a day per week.
“I didn’t mean it like that”
terms have During the conversation that the twins from two fathers would be raised. “The sentence that I quoted again and again will – that such children are neither normal nor of course – I didn’t mean that. I asked whether the children have a mother, which the father denied it and asked me if that was a Problem. I answered that in my game group was normal, that the children have a mommy and a daddy.”
Only after that the father had mentioned that the two children would only speak English. Since resources were scarce, this would have presented a Problem for you. Because the linguistic Fostering of children demand extra attention. And you speak even little English.
“I felt misunderstood,”
“Because I have not had the resources, I canceled finally, and not because the boys have two fathers. The fathers recorded it, but I guess that I’m against gays source parents,” says the group leader. They stressed that they would accommodate English-speaking children of a homosexual couple in any case.
that’s Why you felt misunderstood, as the “Lenzburg district Gazette” reported subsequently, as the first that you want to record which children have not, because you would have two fathers. You don’t had been then advised to speak further with the press. The reactions of the society had been very hard: “The game group is my heart’s blood, and suddenly everything was destroyed. I had no idea what I should do and have cut me off. Also, out of self-protection.” (red)
Created: 13.11.2019, 09:02 PM