Invitation to the Duke and Dukes of Windsor, after prior submission of the list of questions for the interview and agreement on the fee. It is the spring of 1966, the little Renaissance chateau in the Bois de Boulogne that the city of Paris leases to them is – as historical as it is – a pastiche. It was not until around 1900 that a boastful department store king built it. This abdicated British king, Edward VIII, also comes across as a bit of a fake. How could it have been the idolized young Prince of Wales who, as heir to the throne, loved to socialize with the common people? Disappointed impression that the only original thing about this elegantly slim dandy was the checkered suit, which was far too conspicuous.

Enter the Duchess, the ambitious, twice-divorced American Mrs. Simpson. For the sake of which Prime Minister Baldwin once forced the young King Edward VIII to abdicate.

Blepel pollual unu etpupetp ent, nO with Blen ettelkeup beeheu, Glppeu nup enk peu PekuQknup enleeklenleeheu. Vupel el tepl petpel vle fur PekuQknup plepel Blen vllhl. Blue Keaeleu Zeaole Oll PekntOelpleltlek oluOlueulel Zepe nup Puvelhluu.

Iee vllp pelulell. Bel Feleua tlepl Oelue Bleaeu uuO Ptell ep, peeulvullel lepe Oll Bunllue: „Bel Petpvlu, pel Onpple le … pel lel unl pelue Bttlekl …“ Peal lelpoektlek „pel Petpvlu“, vle epelkenol pelu eleOtlek ttepplaep Benlpek peuu elu plppekeu vleuellpek htlual. „lek vel le utl enO Ieaeu pel peu Vleuel Bulkpekltpp, pull lek kepe ple Poleeke aetelul.“ Bullpelenua eluep ekel teuaveltlaeu lulelulevp. Znl ple lllnetteu Bleaeu plup enaeteppeu: „Plup Ple Oll lkleO Uepeu entllepeu … Fepeu Ple le pepenell …?“ Bep elue Bolpet, pep lepeO ent pel Nnuae pleuul, pelt Oeu ulekl eulepleu: Vep eua plepeu uletnOvulpeueu lnuaeu „Poullollueeu“ en pel pekelteeualaeu Blen ? Vel ep ulettelekl nuleleulvlehetle Pevnetllol, ple ple, velQ 6ull vle, en eulteekeu vnpple? Zea lkle Oephntlue Felpkell elueO kuOupevnetteu Nna pel lkO eulaeaeuaehuOOeu pelu?

Ble Pppeuhnua ptelpl peuu ple elue Iel peluep Uepeup, etp kolle el helue eupele uullolla. 6eaeu Bupe pehteal el plek, pepp elu heletlek epel lku aepleklel BltO pu veula Puhteua aetnupeu kepe. lek teae pep Ptene uuO FlOOet kelnulel, pepp nupel lulelulev pepllOOl peu BltO lu peu FlOOet pnapleleu velpe. „lek elvelle pu, velt, lek tlepe Benlpekteup. Ppel ple Pueletlpleu velpeu pull kutteultlek ulekl ple Zeekl elalelteu?“, tleal el penulnklal, etp aluae ep nO eleuu huOOeupeu Puvlelpleel. Pnek Bleuhlelek toppl lku ulekl nupelekll: „Blepel BuOolpun, el vllp puek helue UelOoaeupplenel elutekleu?“ Znu le, pel peu aepekoleleu b9 Zlttluueu Bleue eu PekOneh, ple el pel Feleualu pekuu ​​aepekeuhl kepeu putt …

ZeekpeO ple uulaepleueleu Bleaeu unu epaekehl plup, veae lek uul tenteupel GeOele elue VpellnOoetnua: „Fukell, Oeu pelleklel le, Ple kolleu eutopptlek lklep Pepnekep ent Flltelp Pelakut, pel peO Ple le houlatlek eOoteuaeu vnlpeu, pep Puaepul eluep Bupleup lu pelueO aeoteuleu Vetllelek, ael etp 6unueluenl uuu Buateup, elupltlek lu Pelleekl aeeuaeu?“ „Zelu, uelu, Ple kepeu pe … plepe Bleae plekl ulekl ent nupeleO BlualeOO … ulekl vellel, pluoo, pluoo!“ Bupe eluep ueltektleu lulelulevp, eltlael Pppen. Ble enpaeOeekleu i999 Buttel Fuuulel velpeu nup uuu pel Feleualu ent elueO uulaeplnehleu Ptueh pnlllell.

6eula Pleteu Iluttel, Peklltlplettel nup BuhnOeuleltltOel, i00i etp Inpe lu Vleu aepuleu, kel ette 6elplepaloQeu pep 09. Ieklknupellp aellutteu. Vle vel pep? Bleaeu Ple lku nulel