It’s early on a Friday morning in September, when Tara gets the Whatsapp message from your friend. “Good Morning To You. How are you doing? I have a Problem, I can’t tell you what it is. Don’t Worry about it. I’ll talk to you later.” She calls immediately, he pushes the call. Then, the mobile phone is no longer reachable.

this Friday afternoon S. has gone AWOL in the German course B1. “That doesn’t sound like s.”, thinks Markus Egli, a volunteer English teacher in Solinetz in Winterthur. S. has never missed unexcused. The retired SRF-a Journalist takes up the phone and calls the emergency shelter tube in Glattbrugg. “There it was said that one could give me any information.” Egli asks to the migration office. And learns, finally: p. is in deportation prison.

Who wants to meet S. must make an application to the airport prison. Just two weeks after the submission of this form, the double gate opens. At the reception Desk, visitors must exclude all personal items, including and through a metal detector occur. Are allowed: one sheet of paper, a ballpoint pen. On the way from the Parking lot, you pass by an orange-and-grey-container village, where S. had lived the last few months. Eight francs a day. “I was often hungry,” he says, without bitterness. From here, he had tried to build a life.

His asylum application was rejected: p. was brought in September to the airport prison in Kloten. Photo: Nicola Pitaro

S., 24 years old, short, curly hair, has a friendly young face, and speaks almost fluent English. He taught himself with Youtube Videos of an Iranian who lives in Germany. Since late summer, he visited the Solinetz course in Winterthur, Switzerland, for three hours every day, intensively. “So a course I had always dreamed of,” he says. For a month he knelt fully in. Then two police officers stood around 7.15 am at his bedside and took him in.

“at First I was mad at him,” says Tara. “Then I was Worried.” It lasts for three days, until she finds out where her friend is. “On the way to the airport prison, I saw for the first Time, as he had lived,” says the 24-Year-old. “I had so many questions to ask him. When I was through the metal detector and have him sit at the table saw, I had forgotten you all.”

“I’m scared, if I was in the shelter am afraid if I bike ride, afraid that if I take the Bus.”Asef, asylum-seekers

In the class rooms in the old bus depot in Winterthur remains of the chair of S. free. “I don’t understand why he is in prison,” says Masha, a classmate from Iran. “He has done nothing wrong. S. is a very good man.” It’s true: p. in Switzerland nothing wrong. He sits only in custody because his asylum application was rejected.

Six other students from Afghanistan are in the class. Are you afraid that the Same thing could happen to as S.? “I am always afraid,” says Asef, who lived with S. in the same shelter. “I’m scared, if I was in the shelter am afraid if I bike ride, afraid that if I take the Bus. But since S. way’s, I have more fear.” When he was checked last week on the Bus, he thought, the man wants him to take.

“can I Herat not back to Afghanistan,” says p. His family comes from a village about 120 kilometres to the West of Afghanistan’s second-largest city, his father was a Chauffeur. “One day, about 300 Taliban came to the village,” he says. “You killed two police officers. Then the other police officers fled.” The family of S. grabbed all the belongings into the car and fled also, to the town of Islam Qala on the Iranian border. “As the father sold our house, he gave me money. He said: You have to go. The Taliban know that you have to see how the policeman was killed.” S. flees. Greece, Turkey, Balkan route: It is the summer of 2015, the borders are open. The 19-Year-old lands in Munich, without money and without a cell phone. An Afghan family, he has learned to know, tell him you know people in Switzerland. You come up to the border in Basel. S. an application for Asylum and in the asylum accommodation in schwerzenbach is divided.

p. lived up to the time of his arrest: emergency shelter tube in Glattbrugg, only a few hundred meters from the airport. Photo: Nicola Pitaro

“You a lot of time, if you can’t work got crazy,” he says. He begins to learn English, play football. Most recently, he is a striker in the second team, fourth in League. “I’m pretty good,” he says and smiles mischievously. In matches, he could never play, because he had no license. “Every week the coach has asked: when will you know?”

After a year of know comes. He is negative. “War is no asylum is fundamental,” says his lawyer, Lena, Weissinger. As a healthy young man, S. in Herat have a “reasonable, intra-state residential alternative”. Weissinger says: last week Alone, at least 147 people in the attacks and military clashes have died in Afghanistan.

S. is divided in the shelter Urdorf, an underground Bunker. “You can’t live with that,” he says. “We were 30 men in a room. And bad people were there. They smoked, drank, stole.” From the beginning, p. receives a “containment”: He is not allowed to Zürich, where there would be language courses. S. fled to Germany and applied for asylum. After a few months, the police bring him back. S. remains seven months in Urdorf, then he is moved to Glattbrugg. In the summer, he learns from the Solinetz course in Winterthur.

How is his family today, don’t know p.

“S. brought the sunshine in the class,” says Markus Egli. He was set next to Soheila, a 55-year-old woman from Afghanistan, which was far more closed. “Within a very short time, she began to laugh and had better progress than in the past. If p was absent, for once, was not resolved, the mood is so.”

How is his family today, don’t know p. In prison, he was off the phone. One of his roommate believes they now live in Iran. It seems clear: In Islam Qala it was never the right foot. “Everything we had was in our village,” says S. At the new place, the local drivers would have ensured that his father, the newcomer, got no orders. To can’t, “my family and I,” says S. “you can even life.”

Tara and S. learning in April of this year, the beach volleyball know. “I asked him for his number and said I can write to you when we get back,” she says. There is almost every day. It is a long, warm summer. “He was very charming and gracious and never Intrusive,” she says. “I could come with my troubles to him.” To may Tara home, he: her parents are very strict, they would only accept a man from your home country. His Whatsapp messages not deleted, so your parents will find you. The Only thing that remains of him is a necklace that he gave her.

This chain, everything changed, his girlfriend Tara (Name), remains of S.. Photo: Nicola Pitaro

during the day can distract you. s. in prison with his books. He still learns English. He still has a vague hope. “As a child I dreamed to be a nurse,” he says. Almost every day he gets a visit from Tara, from the English class, of his attorney, of football friends. At night he hardly sleeps. “It can come any time now.”

Markus Egli sleeps poorly. “It concerns me every day, every night,” he says. He writes letters to justice Director, Jacqueline Fehr, he knows from the past, to safety Director, Mario Fehr, to Secretary of state Mario Gattiker. He describes his visit to S. in a Facebook Post in the Solinetz group that triggers a large response. S. can’t read him, but he says that he was pleased.

On Monday this week, three days after the conversation in the jail, it is so far. S. is led away in handcuffs, he is first paralyzed, as. Only on the stairs to the plane he comes to. In the plane, he screams in fear of death, tearing at his chains. The airline refused to transport him.

“Every man loves his home,” says Reza of his English class. “You go only if you have to.” All nod. Another says: “In Afghanistan, every day the bombs fall. Everyone knows that it is safe.” The official Afghan government for some time with a generous Laissez-passer papers. In order for rejected asylum seekers can be managed easier from the Switzerland back.

“When I visited him the day after the deportation attempt, I cried,” says Tara. “He said,’ I’m here for you.” When the second deportation attempt of p. is taking place, no one knows. It may be next week. Or today.

Created: 02.11.2019, 18:37 PM