“The manager allowed the staff to donate food – accused of stealing”

“A enchetschef in Avesta municipality have been made redundant after having allowed their employees to donate food that would otherwise been wasted. She is accused also of theft.”

“– We thought it was so serious that we had to go this way, ” says Magnus Sörebö, personnel manager at Avesta municipality Avesta Journal.”

“After that, the head of unit informed the staff give away food to the value of 12 000 sek accused her of theft and terminated by the municipality, which the P4 Dalarna was the first to report. “

“the Manager has worked in social services in the Avesta in 12 years and was the head of a residential worker home, which was shut down last summer. “

“When the home would be emptied took the staff the initiative to give away the food to the unaccompanied young people who lived there. Head of the unit, allowed it, which is why her employment is terminated. “

“Magnus Sörebö, head of human resources in the municipality considers that the municipality acted correctly, and explains the now the decision of the Avesta Journal. “

“– There are a lot of judgments where people have taken the things of the municipalities to a smaller value than this, and redundant, even dismissed. It may sound really weird but there it is. It is important that, no matter where you work, follow the directives and rules that apply, ” he says to the newspaper. “

“the Manager accused of theft but will not be reported to the police. She also will not to work during their notice period of 13 months.”

“– We thought it was so serious that we had to go this way, ” says Sörebö. “

“Sörebo mean that the head of unit joined receive direct directive from its head and thereby committed a crime against kommunlagen. “

“– It has actually been so that she has been informed by his boss that the things which the municipality owns shall be discarded and not distributed to anyone. In this case, when the municipality owns the food, unfortunately we can’t just give it away anyway. Therefore, we also believe that this is theft, ” he says to The Journal. “