some three million self-employed persons are not protected in old age. The wants to change the labour Minister healing. His draft law should provide that the self-employed are obliged to provide for old age.
the self-employed, should be obliged according to the will of the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, privately or via the statutory pension insurance for old age. “I’m going to submit at the end of the year a draft law for the inclusion of self-employed in the System of old-age security”, said the SPD politician of the “Rheinische Post”.
According to his information there are around three million self-employed persons who are not protected in old age. In the future, the self-employed would have to be either “a member of a pension such as Doctors and lawyers, by the Rürup pension to be secured, or in the statutory pension insurance occur,” said Heil. “Also for the self-employed must apply, that is secured after a life of hard work. Therefore, it is also for the self-employed is important that we introduce before, the basic pension”, – said the Minister. Healing wishes to submit in may a draft law.