15 tons of pesticides, and six tons of mercury is spread out over Cheminova’s old factory site in Harboøre Tange in Jutland, according to a new study. And the come back of the biologist Morten Bondgaard, who is head of the unit for soil Contamination in the central Jutland Region
– We knew that the site was contaminated, but not by precisely how much. Now we can see that it is a very big pollution, he says.
On the site began Cheminova in 1953 its production of funds for, among other things insektbekæmpelse. In 1961, it was all production moved to the current factory site on Rønland.
This means that a third of the so-called generationsforureninger, which is the most contaminated areas in Denmark, located on Harboøre Tange in Jutland.
– It costs a lot of money to do something about it. We have only nine in the whole country, and the three located at Harboøre Tange.
The contaminated areas are located at Harboøre Tange in Lemvig Municipality, with the North sea on the one hand, and Nissum Bredning and the Limfjord on the other. Photo: Region Midtjylland
central denmark Region estimates that it will cost between 250 and 600 million dollars to clean the 50.000 sqm lot.
Some places on the reason of the pollution is particularly strong, among other things, because there were locations in the factory. A single place, for example, have measured 4000 mg of mercury per. kilo of soil. The limit for pollution is three milligrams per. kilo.
today, pumps miljøsynderne, which still has a factory in the area, annually 80.000 cubic meters of groundwater up and cleans it to prevent the contamination from spreading.
– It is absolutely essential that they get by with it. Otherwise, contamination spread to the environment and the fjord. It is some of the allergiftigste pesticides, we know. If they come out in the water, it will have very negative consequences for the fish and other organisms, explains Morten Bondgaard.
Cheminova pollution
* Kemikaliefabrikken Cheminova today called FMC Site Rønland
* In 1953 they began their production of the funds to, among other things insektbekæmpelse on the reason
* Later, they moved to their current factory site
* In 1957, they got the authorities ‘ permission to use the Groyne 42 as giftdepot
* All three sites are so contaminated that they are generationsforureninger
* Generationsforureninger is the extensive pollution that has been going on for many years
Source: Region Midtjylland and the Environment and Food
After decades have finally found a method that can clean the heavily contaminated soil. The question is, who will pay.
– We have the tools to clean up, now we just need the political will from the government to provide the funds. If they want to, we can go in time in the morning. There is just one that you must press pengeknappen.
the governing parties send the monkey back to the Region of Midtjylland.
– It is the region’s own responsibility, so no, as it looks today, we will not send money to the clean-up, says Carsten Bach, miljøordfører of the Liberal Alliance.
It does not necessarily mean that the region hangs on the bill in the future.
– the Government will, of course, want to have disbanded the regions, and when we talk of the soil, it makes the most sense, that the problem lies with the state, so as to give priority to the big oprensninger nationally and locally, says the rapporteur.
Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from environment minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (V), which referred to the Carsten Bach.
The nine generationsforureninger
* The old factory site at Cheminova, Harboøre Tange
* Cheminova’s current factory site, Harboøre Tange
* the Groyne 42, Cheminova, Harboøre Tange
* the period from the earliest.
* Naverland, Albertslund
* Grindstedværket, Grindsted
* Kærgård dune plantation, Esbjerg
* The former Collstrup-because, Esrum Lake
* Lundtoftevej 150 and 160.
Source: Environment and Food