has Completely set to rights, the European court of justice (ECJ) on Tuesday behind the independence of the Polish judge. He ruled that the forced retirement of judges to ordinary courts against the EU violate the law.

in 2017, has led Poland’s government that women should go for judges instead of 67 years, with 60 in retirement, men with 65 instead of 67. The EU Commission had complained. She accuses Warsaw, to curtail the independence of the courts in a systematic way.

It is not the first judgment, nor will it be the last, with which the ECJ Poland’s “judicial reform” as a threat, Yes, the elimination of the rule of law condemns.

The government in Warsaw, the EU symbol shows the middle finger and makes it clear how little she ECJ rulings are interested in.

However, the government in Warsaw, making still more. At the beginning of October, the de facto head of the government, Jaroslaw Kaczynski reiterated that he wanted to loop the courts as the last Bastion of independence.

The first step of the chief of the ruling PIS party after it won parliamentary elections in October, cementing the party’s control over the as a mock-up of the existing constitutional court. Get there soon for nine years, two of the most evil henchman Kaczynskis will be sent during the attacks on the rule of law: the all modes of ministering to Ex-Prosecutor Stanislaw Piotrowicz, and the equally terrible Jura lecturer, Krystyna Pawlowicz, who has referred to the EU Flag as a rag.

With both the nomination of the government in Warsaw, the EU symbolically the middle finger, and makes it clear how little she ECJ rulings are interested in. And as long as the EU does not use the only effective weapon in their Arsenal – the Freezing or deletion of funding billion – will go to Poland in order to continue, the rule of law to dismantle it.

Created: 05.11.2019, 22:58 PM