the VR-porn is not just something, a pressure industry tries to force down the throat of unsuspecting consumers who really would rather have their slaskere in 2D:

the Science now shows that VR porn is more arousing.

For men.

It is a number of Dutch researchers from the University of Amsterdam, who have tested the virtual reality porn and regular porn on a number of subjects. Supposedly this is the first time, the science do this.

95 men and 47 women participated in the experiments.

Here then they either VR porn (wearing the appropriate headset, the HTC Vive with Senheiser ear cups) or regular 2D porn (dog in a headset, and not on a regular screen). At the same time there were also two different kinds of porn, both groups were exposed to: A standard voyeuristic and a shot from the user’s perspective, the so-called point of view.

Some of the films were identical in the VR and 2D format, and otherwise, the researchers had found the movie with the same type of content and models.

After participants had seen the films with a total duration of approximately 10 minutes, completed the questionnaires on which the excited and captured, on a scale from 1 to 7, the was of pornoen.

the Participants masturbated NOT, while they saw the porn.

Here are the results, showing that VR porn is more arousing for men than it is for women:

The gender difference explains the researchers, is that men’s arousal is very dependent on how attractive the woman in the film is, and the VR-porn provides just the user the opportunity to consider the model from all sorts of delicious angles, which brings him quite close to the object.

the Researchers also believe that women have less of a focus on the purely visual and are proportionally more interested in foreplay and context, and the relations the models from, and here is the VR porn may not be suitable, as it is produced now. Where it is almost even higher degree than 2D porn is made for men.

the Researchers had also problems to find suitable points of view-porn and especially the VR-porn geared to women. So here is a possible source of error in relation to the study’s results,

another possible source of error is that most of the male participants regularly watch porn, while far more of the women almost never use porn in private – so women’s desire for and experience with and attitude to the porn can to some extent have coloured the results.

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Both men and women preferred point of view porn, whether it was VR or 2D, which points to the importance of that the user can imagine themselves in the scene. It is simply more exciting for most to imagine participation than to look at. It may also be that the points of view-the perspective more reminiscent of the experiences one the right actually has had.

It also proves, that feeling of being swallowed up by the experience and to be there himself – that it is real, is powerful for both men and women, when it is the VR. And it has always be the pitch of the VR, regardless of whether it is erotica or shooting games.

the Excitement and the feeling of being there hangs in the study together. The researchers expect that the context will be even more pronounced if the participants themselves choose their porn. It can be a perception that it is real, possibly to increase the user’s emotional engagement.

Although the researchers therefore believe that they have found out that VR porn is more arousing than 2D – for men – deem they are not, however, the difference so significant that one ought to warn against the use of VR porn in terms of developing a problematic consumption.

They concede, however, that when and if the technological development makes it possible to connect the VR with touch and other senses, and more interactivity, it can possibly be more addictive. And for the few the development pave the way for new and exciting play, or they can be isolated from each other.