the trade Union Leaders believe that the payment of the three-week frozen holiday shall be voluntary.

the Leaders points out that the more than 400,000 danes who pay the highest tax, may have to pay more in taxes, if they get the money now than if they wait for retirement as originally intended.

– If you earn over topskattegrænsen, you are the cannon of the highest tax bracket if you withdraw the money, while most people, when they retire, have a lower tax rate and would therefore get more money in the hands of the time, says Henrik Bach Mortensen.

– It is over 400.000 danes, who are in this dilemma. I think that many will want to wait to get paid the money, he says.

to pay the highest tax bracket must earn more than 531.000 dollars in 2020.

If you earn over the amount and get paid the holiday pay, should one of the with 15 percent extra in tax on the amount, compared with those who earn less than 531.000 dollars.

Some choose to pay extra on their pension savings to avoid paying tax and instead get the money paid out as a retiree.

Henrik Bach Mortensen acknowledges that it is a possibility, if the holiday pay should be paid, but does not believe that it is the solution for all.

– It is an option to pay extra in pension benefits, and some will undoubtedly choose to do, but we just think that it must be voluntary, so you only get paid the money you want, he says.

Ritzau tried on Monday to clarify whether the payment of holiday pay is enforced, but the ministry of Employment has not returned with an answer.

There is a frozen five weeks of holiday pay due to a change in the holidays act.

the Money should really first be paid when the individual retires.

Three of the weeks will be paid, in order to boost consumption after the coronakrisen.