Tuesday was Lars Harnes and Metkel Betew for the second time acquitted of attempted murder of Imran Saber. Tuesday night was ” present when the Harnes was released from Skien prison.

The video from Skien, one can see that Lars Harnes goes out of the prison wearing a jacket and topplue, and into a car and waiting on him.

Harnes’ defender Øyvind Bratlien says to Dagbladet that he was there to take against his client. He says that the Harnes was happy to finally be released having been “I since he was arrested and” I in 2015.

It was a great pleasure, to say it like that. Now, the plan for the Harnes to get home, spend time with the wife and to ride a motorcycle when the snow disappears.

he has looked forward the most to is to meet the immediate family, and to ride a motorcycle – something that is a very big passion for him. Greater than people are aware of, I think, ” says Bratlien to the Newspaper.

the Case against Betew and Harnes had to be divided into three Surprisingly

Bratlien says that the judgment came surprisingly early.

” We did not know that the verdict came in today. We thought it would go further 14 days, so the message that he was to be released came on very short notice.

– Why isn’t my client managed to think so far ahead about what he wants to do, ” says Bratlien.

– Comes Harnes to celebrate the release tonight?

In the evening, it is totally quiet. It is totally secure.

Harnes has from earlier a comprehensive record that contains tens of a judge for among other things, robbery, violence and voldtektsforsøk.

He was first known as the first member of – and leader of the Norwegian chapter (chapteret) of the MOTORCYCLE club Bandidos. In 2006, he was sentenced to eight years in custody, but dropped out in 2013 after having studied at the school of theology, and declared that he would go over to catholicism.


In march last year, Harnes and Betew acquitted of attempted murder in the Oslo district court, but the case was appealed to the court of appeal. During the appeal, which started in December, asked the prosecutor about 14 and 18 years of detention.

on Tuesday they were also acquitted by the court of appeal for tiltalens point about the making of the union about to kill Imran Saber, who has been nicknamed “Uncle Scrooge”.

Harnes was, however, convicted for the acquisition and storage of firearms in the intent to threaten the Saber, as well as for heleri and violation of våpenloven – something that was resolved in the district court.

Sentencing for this was set to eleven months, as the Harnes has endured in its entirety through custody.

It means that the Harnes Tuesday could be released.

The 19 secret meetings between Nokas convicted Betew and ex-Bandidos-top Harnes Dagbladet Plus – Happy

My client is obviously satisfied with the acquittal, which is totally in line with what he has said. It is not a prominent thought right now, but he is not satisfied with having been imprisoned for two and a half years in overtime.

Bratlien says that they will eventually take the matter further, and he responds that “no judges have dared to put your foot down”.

– There is an obvious action for damages, brought in the bottom here. But it is not something that is urgent, and is not something we think about today, ” he concludes.

Harnes, however, was doomed to pay the Saber 50 000 in restitution.

Arrests in 2015

In the Oslo district court, it was decided that the Harnes’ medtiltalte, Metkel Betew, was sentenced to the rough drugs, crime, and the punishment was set to prison for five years and four months. He was acquitted from paying reparation to the Saber.

Both were accused of having tried to kill Saber, after that the Harnes was apprehended in the garage under the Sabers property in Sinsen 21. July 2015, masked and with a gun with silencer. The police believed he repeatedly drove a stolen scooter to and from address with the intent to kill the “Screw” – which, however, was under police protection.

Both Harnes and Betew has refused straffskyld and claim their contact with each other in the weeks and months before the alleged drapsforsøket turned to drugs, writes NTB.

Harnes has explained that he was in the garage in an attempt to resolve a gjeldskonflikt on behalf of a comrade, and that he intended to put a fear in Saber, according to the news.

This is the former Bandidos leader Lars Harnes Dagbladet Plus