Even though credit card usage has declined significantly since mobile payments are now possible, it is important to keep track of your bank account movements. It is possible to make unauthorized purchases with your card. Be aware of all charges and verify that they are accurate.
Normaly, we can recognize the statements and recall the purchase. If we see an expense we don’t remember making, it is likely that we were not authorized to pay it.
We would then be talking about fraudulent use of our cards in such a situation. The Bank of Spain states that it is necessary to notify the bank of the charge to prevent fraud and avoid any new charges.
The customer may claim the amount stolen within 13 months of the date of collection in any case. You will need to fill out an unrecognized charging form detailing the date, amount, and name from which the charge was made. A police report may be required in certain cases.
The Bank of Spain also explained that the entity is responsible for any unauthorized operations that might occur after this procedure has been completed. The entity is responsible for any unauthorized operations that occur after the problem has been reported.
Banks have an exception to this obligation: If it is determined that the charges are due to fraud or gross negligence by the holder, It is primarily related to card use or security protection.
This is often the case in cybercriminals charging card holders for fraud after they have delivered the card keys.