It is hard for many to face the voters forward, says the head of the Oppland Sector Toril Kristiansen to Dagbladet.

– I know that it is shameful.

So is the new government – Unthinkable

two years ago was the Norwegian Christian democratic party representatives, and met with the voters in the election campaign and promised one thing expensive and Better-holy:

– We should never be in government with the Progress party.

today it happens. After a in all ways an extraordinary process, which started with Knut Arild Hareides recommendation to go to the Labour party and the centre party.

It ended as known with the fact that the party instead went the exact opposite way, and in the day put the crown prince Kjell Britain Ropstad at the king’s table for the first time.

Together with Siv Jensen and six other conservative party politicians.

But it has its price for those who already dread to lokalvalgkampen to fall.

In each of the counties, it is totally unthinkable for many that we can go in government with the progress party. For us we hear of natural along with the centre party, says Kristiansen, who has experienced a number of utmeldinger since retningsvalget was finally late Thursday night.

first in line her own deputy, Anne Marie Bagstad Jøranli, in the county of Oppland, norway Sector.

the BATTLE LOST : Knut Arild Hareide met the press after he had lost the battle of KrFs retningsvalg and passed off as party leader. Video: Kristoffer Løkås Show more Show more Not a “yes, we shall, in the government”

Regjeringsslitasje spoken often about the when the enthusiasm fades, the dreams about what one can achieve around the king’s table not being fulfilled and the voters are struggling to get all the victories.

In the county of Trøndelag are the dreams get and there is little enthusiasm to track.

– How is the mood in the Norwegian Sector now?

– Yes, say it. “Yes, we shall, in the government”, is hard to find. The should the that would normally have been there, ” says director Jon Doe Tviberg.

There is enthusiasm, but utmeldinger running it soon over in the split of the party. This centrally located black not on the number of utmeldinger yesterday, but all fylkeslederne we were in contact with told me that many opt-out.

But the overview is missing currently.

– I’m curious who the more who opt out.

I am very sorry if many who have the same vantage point as me opting out. Then there will be few left to take care of the breadth of the party, ” says Tviberg, which was located on the red side in the battle zone between Hareide and Ropstad.

Pointed at Syversen

Oluf Maurud, a leader in the Beef Sector, we met on the telephone after the workday was over yesterday.

I think Hans Olav Syversen is a good candidate to become the new leader of the party. I don’t have any complaints about Kjell Britain as a politician, but I feel he is not unifying enough. It is not certain Syversen look on themselves as the current.

– Hans Olav Syversen told us in the Newspaper for a couple of hours ago that he is out of the question as the new leader, he is likely to be the secretary of state for Erna Solberg.

There is a straightforward clarification. As long as we have not had the avklaringen, have I lifted up Syversen, says Maurud.

Can you imagine any other lederkandidat than Ropstad now?

– I see well not really it as of today. It is clear, if Syversen is not qualified, indicate everything that it gets Kjell Britain, says the leader of the Trøndelag Sector.

POLITICAL QUARTER: Wednesday morning was the temperature high when Hareide debated against Listhaug in The “Political quarters”. Dagbladet commentator, Martine Aurdal rages over Listhaugs arguments and rhetoric. Video: Anna Näumann / NRK / Facsimile Newspaper Show more Show more Voters heard what we said

Toril Kristiansen in the county of Oppland, norway This is on the contrary clear that Ropstad should become the new leader when the party will choose at the congress 26. april.

Ropstad pointed at a road, and got a tiny little majority. Then I think it is also natural that he takes on the great responsibility to lead the party.

– He has a certain obligation when he has led the party that way. I don’t know if I have with me fylkesstyret on this yet, but it’s the way I personally think when it comes to take responsibility in life.

” Says Kristiansen, who has clear expectations of Erna’s role as the prime minister and the leader of it all, when it comes to the tone from the party’s fresh regjeringskollega.

In Norway we have always had a respectful debattklima. It is the responsibility of the Frp is strongly required – also the prime minister.

For many officers is the worst thing that they feel that the trust is broken.

– There are many who now say that “now we can’t even rely on the Sector”. Who can they trust when you can’t even rely on This? People expect that they can rely on us.

– Even though what has happened is that a profile has revoked the national executive committee said in 2016, so doesn’t help it. The voters heard what we said, that we should not in government with the progress party, says Maurud in Hedmark Sector.

PROMISE: Knut Arild Hareide laws here the voters that This should not be in government with the progress party.Show more Show more Show more