On the anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation has warned of a Holocaust Survivor Friedlander before nationalism. He hoped, that Germany had the moral strength to fight against the dangers of democracy.

Holocaust Survivor and historian Saul Friedländer has called on the Germans to defend the world against hatred for minorities, and against nationalism.

“anti-Semitism is only one of the Scourges, of which now one Nation after the other insidious attack,” said the 86-Year-old during the hour of commemoration, the German Bundestag for the victims of the Holocaust. “The xenophobia, the lure of authoritarian rule practices and, in particular, of a further intensification of nationalism around the world are worryingly on the rise.”

Germany had developed thanks to his many years of transformation since the war to the strong bulwark against these threats, said Friedlander. He hoped, that Germany had the moral strength, tolerance and inclusiveness, humanity and freedom “to fight in short for the true democracy”.

Friedländer survived the Holocaust – his parents were murdered in Auschwitz.

founding of Israel, “essential to life”

Friedländer, who emigrated to Israel in 1948, lamented growing anti-Semitism on the part of the extreme Right and Left in the Form of a questioning of Israel’s right to exist. “For Jews like me and Jews everywhere, who needed a state of their own, and longed for, was the creation of life is necessary,” he said. To defend the existence of the state, is a fundamental moral obligation.

in 1932, née Friedländer described in the German Bundestag, moving the history of his family. He survived the Holocaust hidden in a Catholic boarding school in France while his parents were murdered in the extermination camp of Auschwitz. The Parliament paid tribute to his speech with a standing ovation.