Yesterday’s Holy Week of normality in Baza was completed by the children’s procesional parade of Resurrected. The Risen Jesus’ passage left the Brotherhood of Solitude’s canonical headquarters to begin its journey of joy, enthusiasm, and towards the official race. It was a beautiful spring morning. A gang of young forks carries the step of the Resurrected. They will soon be able to expand the Bastetan brotherhoods. The procession is attended by boys and girls of the Resurrected, as well as other brotherhoods in their respective clothes. Manolo yeste and Alejandro Perez are the foremen. The accompaniment was provided by the Nuestra Senora de la Soledad de Huescar. They participated in Holy Week’s opening in Baza on Palm Sunday last Palm Sunday. An anecdote: All children who take part in the procession for the resurrected as the Valencians pass by the Ice Cream Shop are given a pole.

The Holy Week balance in Baza 2022 has been very positive. This includes the economic movement that was generated throughout the city.