climate protection can hurt. A house owner modernized the building for 3.5 million Swiss francs. A quarter of this was attributable to measures which reduce energy consumption such as improved insulation of the facade. After the renovation, the hirer have to pay for 1630 francs for your apartment, a good 400 more than previously. 150 CHF are a direct result of the energy improvements. On the other hand, the tenant can save the cost of energy. But that is only 50 Swiss francs per month, significantly less so than the surcharge.

cases of this kind, gained by a study of the Federal offices for energy (sfoe) and of housing (BWO) from the year 2015, could in the future occur more frequently. Because the Parliament wants to put climate protection on the screw, and just when you’ll be a big climate-policy lever: The building of the Park is a third of the CO2 emissions of Switzerland and 40 percent of energy consumption. The bad news for the tenant could accumulate so.

regulation from the year 1977

However, there is hope for the tenant. A new, published this Morning, the study of the two Federal agencies raises the question of whether the owners of the house pass on the renovation costs to the tenants. In the centre of the value-preserving and -enhancing investments; the Latter include energy-related improvements. For comprehensive renovation of a club professional for almost fifty years, provision for the apportionment in force. The costs are generally 50 to 70 per cent as value-enhancing investments; so it is in the appropriate regulation – since 1977. The Federal Council had recognised this bandwidth is deliberately high, in order to win the owners of the house for extensive renovations.

on behalf of the two Federal agencies have now examined the University of Lucerne in 20 case studies. The authors have based on the respective costs of construction plan and for each Position there is a Triage of value-enhancing and value-preserving stock. The findings: The share of value-enhancing investments, with 34 to 58 percent lower than in the above-mentioned regulation is mandatory.

“The Federal Council must act quickly. Otherwise, the tenant will continue to pay much too high a Mietaufschläge.”Carlo Sommaruga, President of the tenant Association

The tenants Association of Switzerland (MV), therefore, requires an adjustment to the transfer rates of today, 50 to 70 percent at 35 to 55. “The Federal Council must act swiftly,” says President and SP-national councillor Carlo Sommaruga, who yesterday made the choice in the Council of States. “Otherwise, the tenant will continue to pay much too high a Mietaufschläge.” Also Green-the national Council and the MV Board member Michael Swiss asks for a reduction. “The requirements of the climate policy would be split up just between the landlords and tenants.”

study are not representative

Only: Is the study representative of the entire building, Park in Switzerland? The authors of the study deny this explicitly, because the number of examples was low. You want to know their work, not as a political recommendation. Swiss does not consider the claim of the tenant Association for premature. The selection of case studies was wide made, he says. According to the study authors, “a certain degree of representativeness, at least”, were, however, taken into account different ownership structures, housing typologies, building periods, object sizes, and geographic locations.

That lower circulation rates could blight the house owners, the desire for energy-efficiency renovations, believes the tenant Association: “In the current Situation, with the low interest rates and Investment opportunities, it certainly needs no excessive pass-through rates, so that will be renovated,” says Swiss. In addition, a homeowner that wanted to go on the safe side could, at any time, a payroll and rent increase after the breakdown of the cost in value of grower and-receiving – instead of, as is usual today, according to the model with a flat rate. “Then its costs have to be covered in any case.”

“The current package meets their purpose.”Home owner Association

However, this level of accuracy there is not. On this view of the Swiss homeowners ‘ Association (HEV) in Austria. In the case of extensive building renovations, it was “impossible”, all Work in the value-preserving and value-enhancing to disassemble the elements, he in a message. He also criticized the study methodology as “pure window dressing”, not come however without estimates. “The current fee fulfilled its purpose,” concludes the Association. Neither the legal nor practical basis have changed since the definition of something.

The dispute between house owners and tenants comes at a delicate time. On 9. February 2020 the population over the from the tenants ‘ Association mitlancierte people’s initiative “More affordable housing”. One of the demands: The Federal government should ensure that “public programmes for the promotion of renovation lead to the loss of affordable rental housing”.

Created: 11.11.2019, 13:06 Uhr