“Do not hope too much on the revolution”

“Is something to be seriously in Sweden?”

“We have a political majority in our country for new petrol– and diesel-powered cars may not be sold from the year 2030. It is eleven years there. A wink.”

“For the first time, we have a government that is acting sharp, and hard. Global warming is the biggest threat to our society, and we must also take swift and drastic measures.”

“Amazing, a revolution.”

“the Ban on gasoline – and diesel-powered cars will be all the more dramatic because our economy is largely based on the automotive industry. Volvo Cars which manufactures passenger cars is Sweden’s largest companies with over 22,000 employees. AB Volvo manufactures trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles have 19, 000 employees. It is the fourth largest company in terms of number of employees. Scania is the sixth largest company with over 15,000 employees.”

“Then is not all the work of the contractors included in the calculation.”

“Our prosperity is based in large part on these vehicles that are destroying the climate. Our self-image is shaped by cars, trucks, buses, dozers, excavators and graders. We are a high-tech nation of inventors, engineers and skilled workers.”

“Volvo and Scania are two of the world’s most important trucking companies.”

“So it is incredible that the social democrats and the green Party with the support of the Liberals and the Centre party say that there must be a revolution. Otherwise, the backbone of the Swedish industry to sell their cars anywhere else.”

“But there is something fishy here.”

“I have not seen any journalist to request from the prime minister, Stefan Löfven, or klimatminister Isabella Lövin detailed information on how the legislation should look like. It is internal combustion engines should be banned? Or is it the petrol and diesel?”

“Or preparing the government Leaves a shame and irresponsible fusklösning where all it takes is a tiny little electric motor attached to a big gasoline engine to the car should be sold? With the explanation that there is no bensinu002Fdiesel engine anymore but a hybrid?”

“the Media does not take the government’s promise seriously. Maybe it’s because we are so accustomed to the general well-intentioned declarations of intent that we take them for what they often are: signals, which is nothing more than a decision.”

“I’ll call Scania. Presstalesmannen there, Hans-Åke Danielsson, says that Scania as any other.”

“– We are subject to european law, which is at the time. We must reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 15 percent by 2025 and another 30 per cent by 2030.”

“It is far away from the parties the decision. How is preparing Scania for the upcoming ban in Sweden?”

“Danielsson has not been asked before. He sounds a little perplexed.”

“– Is it a total ban of internal combustion engines? That leaves only el. A battery with a reasonable scope to a truck weighing seven tons. Only the battery.”

“Claes Eliasson, press officer at Volvo, sounds even more puzzled.”

“– It is difficult to completely think away internal combustion engines, ” he says.”

“Interestingly enough, the Volvo had already, in August 2007, a demonstration of seven trucks with different alternative fuels. I was at the showdown on the island of Djurgården in Stockholm. Volvo’s then-ceo Leif Johansson said:”

” Volvo is part of the climate problem.”

“He wanted that Volvo would become part of the solution. He showed seven trucks with alternative fuels. He called for more active politicians, and clearer guidelines.”

“– It requires legislation.”

“It said Leif Johansson for more than eleven years ago.”

“the law Is finally on time now? It’s five o’clock in the noon. I’m calling klimatminister Isabella Lövins press secretary and ask how the work of the prohibition of gasoline – and diesel-powered progresses.”

“After a good hour calling he back.”

“– how Exactly this is realized is the next step, ” he says.”