With dirty hair and too big shoe was Jayme Closs (13), who had been reported missing for almost three months, was found shouting for help in the town of Gordon in Douglas County in Wisconsin.

Just eleven minutes later stopped the police a red car and the driver, Jake Thomas Patterson (21). After that he was instructed to step out of the car, he should have said: “I know what this is all about. I did it”.

– She is the hero Charged with murder and kidnapping

Patterson was arrested and suspected of having kidnapped the 13-year-old. He was also suspected to have killed her parents, James and Denis Closs, at the family home in Barron, Wisconsin 15. October of last year.

Monday afternoon, Patterson was formally charged with two willful murder, kidnapping and armed robbery, as well as the fact that the court announced the basis for the indictment.

In the court records, it was known that Patterson has admitted dobbeltdrapet and the kidnapping of questioning, in addition to that he has explained why he chose to kidnap Closs.

“The defendant has explained that he worked at a cheese factory for two days before he said up. On the way to the workplace one of the two days he worked there, he stopped behind a school bus and observed Jamye Closs climb on.”

“The defendant has explained that he had no idea who she was, where she lived, or how many people she lived with. The defendant has explained that when he saw Jayme Closs, so he knew it was the girl he was going to take,” it says in the court records that have been published by CBS News.


Patterson explains that he on two occasions found themselves outside of Closs’ house, before him on the third attempt chose to carry out the killings and the kidnapping. With him he had a shotgun.

The defendant shall also have taken several measures to avoid that someone would recognize the car, and to avoid leaving DNA traces. Among other things, he should have replaced the signs on the car, showered and shaved both head and beard.

In interrogation, he has stated that he skøyt and killed Closs’ parents, as well as that he loss 13-year-old by the hands and ankles, before he pulled her out and placed her in the trunk of the car.

Patterson assuming that he was in the house in just four minutes.

Found alive after nearly three months Trapped under the bed

Police believe that Closs was transported to a cabin in the town of Gordon.

In interrogation has the believed abducted 13-year-old explained that Patterson on several occasions had friends or family visiting, and that he should have made it clear towards her that if anyone found out that she was there, “would terrible things happen to her”.

On several occasions to Closs have been forced to reside under the Pattersons bed in his bedroom. He should have placed the bags and skittentøykurver around the bed filled with weights, so that he would discover about Closs tried to move.

Patterson should also have put on loud music in the bedroom, so that Closs would not hear if there were other people in the house.

“Closs stated that Patterson once forced her to stay under the bed for up to twelve hours – without food, water or lavatory,” it says in the documents.

At a time should Patterson have turned Closs in the back with a subject, has a 13-year-old explained.

the CABIN: This oversiktsfotografiet shows the cabin where police believe Jayme Closs was held captive for almost three months. PHOTO: Aaron Lavinsky / AP / NTB Scanpix Show more Escape

10. January should Patterson have told Closs that he was on his way out, and would be gone in about four-five hours. After Patterson left the house to Closs have pushed away the curves with the weights, and managed to leave the house where she met nabokvinnen Jeanne Nutter.

Nutter should have taken Closs to the nearest house, where the emergency services were alerted.

Patterson has stated that when he came home again, he discovered that Closs was gone. Furthermore, he should have driven around and looked for her, before he drove back to the cabin where the police were waiting on him.

“The defendant has explained that he assumed that he had managed to get away with the murder of James and Denise Closs and the kidnapping of Jayme Closs, since he had not been arrested in the course of the first two weeks …”

” … The defendant has explained that he would never have been taken, if he had planned everything perfectly.”

In by the police in Barron, Jeff Nelson, says that they have secured the entire 89 bevisgjenstander from the Pattersons cottage. Among other things, they seized a shotgun, a skopar, a black jacket, a black mask and stolen registreringsskilter.

– Difficult period

In large parts coincides Patterson and Closs’ explanation. Pattersons explanation about drapshandlingen coincides also with the police’s findings.

Kausjonen was set at five million dollars.

Pattersons defenders, Charles Glynn and Richard Jones, states that they believe that their client can get a fair trial, but not sure where.

– It has been an emotional and difficult period for the community. It takes we not easy, but our job is to defend the client, ” says Jones, according to news agency AP.

It has not been done, the finding of some form of communication between the offender and the offended before the suspect’s abduction from bjarmaland. Closs’ grandfather, Robert Naiberg, has explained to the FBI agents that her grandson is not well known to Patterson in advance.

the Sheriff at Barron police department, Chris Fitzgerald, said he met the 13-year-old for the first time on Sunday, and says that she had “a big smile on his face”.

He says that she showed him around the room where she is staying at tanta say.

It was a moment I will never forget, ” he says.

Get details about the kidnapperens life: – A mystery