It is estimated that 35 people have lost their lives in Norway since 2010, after to have ingested the drug parametoksymetamfetamin (PMMA). Now turn the University hospital of North Norway (UNN) alarm, after that they for the first time have detected the drug in a patient in North Norway.

Warns against the toxic drugs that provides fatal poisoning Dagbladet Plus

PMMA is sold on the illicit market, alone or mixed with other substances such as amphetamine, methamphetamine, or ecstasy. PMMA is similar also on these substances, and detected usually in powder or tablets sold as just ecstasy, amphetamine or methamphetamine.

– Purchased not intentionally

“the Substance is traded often as amphetamine or ecstasy use, and users are usually not aware that they eat it a lot giftigere PMMA. PMMA has a somewhat weaker and more slow onset of ruseffekt than amphetamine, and thus increases the likelihood that users will take more, and get serious poisonings,” writes TREAT in a press release.

There has so far not succeeded Dagbladet to get a comment from the TREAT.

the Newspaper spoke dødsdopet in connection with a an 18-year-old woman died last summer after what was probably an overdose of PMMA.

– Almost no buy PMMA with will. This woman had probably not died if she had known what the substance contained, or if she had been given MDMA or amphetamine instead, said Ina Roll Spinnangr, from Association Safer Ruspolitikk, to Dagbladet in november.

Those of us who do not deserve security Debate

the chief Physician at Oslo university hospital, Merete Vevelstad, expressed himself in the same case. She said that PMMA is a small rusgivende and toxic “motedop” that quickly gives fatal poisoning by overdose or in combination with other strong drugs. In case of suspected poisoning requires rapid hospital treatment to have a chance to survive.

– PMMA shows the periodic up in the illicit drug market and similar chemical seen on MDMA and methamphetamine, but PMMA provides little substance and a lot of side effects, and rusvirkningen going slow. In addition, the PMMA much giftigere than MDMA and methamphetamine, and overdose may occur severe poisoning, she said to Dagbladet at the time.

Guilty of taking the life of Norwegian 15-year-old with elefantdop: – I’m shocked the Newspaper Plus the Dreary world record

In 2015, stated Andreas Westin, chief physician at St. Olavs hospital, Norway, have a bleak world record in the number of PMMA-related deaths. The number was 30. Today, it is estimated that at least 35 people have lost their lives as a result of a PMMA-overdose.

Deaths may occur suddenly and unexpectedly as a result of heart rhythm disturbances or a stroke, or have a longer course that starts with high body temperature, agitation, forviring, pressure in the chest, coma, convulsions, and gradually increasing failure of inner organs such as lungs, kidneys and heart.

“Gustav” (15) got this bag in the mail. The next day they found him dead Dagbladet Plus