In the past year, has reached a maximum value of new homes: 3360 new construction homes, as many as for more than 60 years. As fewer apartments were canceled, also increased the housing stock to 2725 and found that since 1954, not more, as the city of Zurich, on Tuesday announced.
Altstetten is booming
Around a quarter (751) of all new apartments on the city territory was created in Altstetten. It is the third year in a row, that in this district most new apartments are being built. Due to ongoing construction projects, it is expected that in this district in the coming years, most of the new apartments. So were the end of 2018, about 1000 flats in ongoing construction projects.
In districts 2 and 11 of the housing base grew to 500 units. In district 4 (Aussersihl) were built no homes, but 21 is canceled, so that there is here, below the line, the less apartments.
Private companies
In contrast to 2017, it was in the past year, especially private companies, have built apartments. They realized almost half of the city of Zurich new homes. Including three larger-scale projects, such as the Vulcano Altstetten train station, the buildings on the Labitzke-Areal and the student dormitory in the Binz.
Although the housing cooperatives accounted for 870 apartments to around a quarter of the new buildings, but it also recorded almost half of all crashes. “Housing cooperatives must be replaced as a whole settlements,” writes the city.
Since both the number of approved homes as well as the apartments in the building are on the decline, it is assumed that the record type of increase can not be maintained in the coming year. (saf)
Created: 05.02.2019, 12:29 PM