Hodeida is, in fact, the gateway to Yemen: Who controls the port, has access to relief supplies. Therefore, it is a large hope character, commenced by the rebels with the withdrawal. Now the UN are on the train.

The Houthi rebels withdraw from Yemen’s port city of Hodeida. You keep to the agreement with the government and the United Nations, which had been made in mid of the month for peace talks.

General Cammaert is to watch over the peace in Hodeida.

a UN representative said, left the first fighter to midnight, the strategically important port on the Red sea. A few days ago, a UN a hit-Team headed by the retired Dutch General Patrick Cammaert in the city to monitor the truce. The United Nations should, in the future, also coordinate the distribution of relief goods reach the country through the port. So the famine will be mitigated, which threatens millions of people.

the army?

It is expected that the government pull off forces from those Parts of the city, and had an Offensive in June.

Many civilians killed

A Saudi Arabia-led military Alliance to fight the Huthi since 2015. The Iranian-backed Shi’ite rebels have brought large parts of Northern Yemen under their control.

According to the UN, tens of thousands of people were killed, among them many civilians. Also Saudi Arabia is accused of in the air with no regard for the civilian attacks to take population.

A large part of international aid is brought to the port of Hodeida to the country.