The term “man of honor” has been chosen by a supposed Jury of experts to the youth word of the year. But: Speaking the youth really so? An Overview of “Habibi” up “Because of the tree”.

By Titus Arnu and Martin Zips Titus Arnu

Titus Arnu, Born in 1966, has been working since 2006 for the editorial Panorama. Previously, he was at the magazine, SZ, wrote for the SZ-magazine, mirror, Geo, National Geographic and Mare. He attended the German journalist school and studied Comparative literature and journalism in Munich. So far, bizarrster Job: a correspondent in Europe of a Japanese dog magazine.

an E-Mail to Martin Zips

send Since 1993 for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, diverse, on-the-go. What is learning a lot and like to and from each.

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look, dude! Jo, Brudi! Hi Kids! The Langenscheidt-Homies are again fully stable on the road and treat ourselves to this year totally fresh “youth words”. Youth word of the year 2018 is the way “man of honor/honour woman”. Sheeeesh? (Really?) The man of honor existed in the middle ages, for a youth word of the term seems, therefore, extremely rotten fleshy. Before a Jury decided the word that there had been an Online survey, 1.5 million votes were cast. The favorite here: bugged – something that is full of errors. Glucose-stand containing as a Synonym for sweet. More dubious candidates: lindnern (prefer something not as something bad), Snackosaurus (available adequate human) or breiern (break and still continue to celebrate).

Only Talk about young people really like that? Adults have mostly Kapla (no Plan), but that is the sense of youth language. Each time the sound of the youth of words, and the puzzling. Or someone, what is a Anodenwumme is white (portable radio, 1950s), a Jerk (jerk, 1960s) or a (girlfriend, 1970s)? The 21-member Jury that decided on the youth words, consists of, among other journalists, bloggers, students and a police Commissioner in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Since 2008, the youth word will be chosen, from the beginning, there was criticism: Match the words the young people use of language? We have asked young people in Munich, Berlin and Wiesbaden, and to Express the demand that you will actually use.

man of honor/honour woman – does, according to the Langenscheidt-Honks synonymous with “someone, something Special for you.” The election was “a positive sign in times of hatred and incitement,” it says. And, unlike before, the expression is no longer restricted “to the higher strata of society, and not to men”. Really? We find: A very strange choice, as honor has had in the history of mankind a lot of (Ehrentod, memorial, honest and unehrbare professions) and the man of honor has always been about the Everyone thought. Has not the code itself, the Mafia, and their own honour? But still: a man of honor is actually used.

leek (Allium ampeloprasum), Leek, Welsh onion, Common onions or Aschlauch, belongs botanically to the genus Allium. People colloquially as a leek called, belong to the group of fool, a weakling, a fool or Idiot. Originally, the term alluded to the slight figure of a youth, in a figurative sense, a. l. is an insecure, weak Person. If the mob Rapper Kollegah in his guide “The Alpha” on pseudo-philosophical way, about the “chronic ungefickten leek” writes, that is not meant sexually or gastronomically, but psychological: He rumbles against the General effeminacy.

Also, the Arabic Habibi, you hear more and more often

age is also Thicker/Digga, Brudi, in Austria, Oida. Originally comes from the time of the thirty years ‘ war, when the elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg in time of war, things experienced “old Sweden” began as an instructor for his soldiers. On the one hand, pejorative Kaçak Bahis (“The Old spinning”) for a life more experienced fellow meant, on the other hand, such enhancing. Similar to “Hey Digger, what’s up?” emphasizes “crazy, dude!” the ambivalence of human relationships in the field of tension between age and body size. In contrast to age/Oida and Thicker/Digga Brudi is the need of protection of a rather inexperienced group member. It is likely to be in the Rap and Hip – Hop scene, common compound from the German “brother” and the Arabic “Akhi” (means the Same).

Because the tree – : because it is. In the Science-Fiction classic “the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy” was the reply of the super computer “Deep Thought” on an overarching final question: 42. When you ask children a simple question: “Why haven’t you done your homework yet?” then you answer: “Because of the tree.” This answer sounds profound, but is simply an expression of sheer inability to answer the question. According to the sayings-Index of the German Digital library, the tree in this context, since 2007, in colloquial language commonly. Why a tree and not a banana or a fish? Because Of The Tree.

Habibi – is an Arabic family name which can be translated “my beloved” (Habiti: “my beloved”). Known worldwide, the term was through the Song “Nour El Ain” of the Egyptian singer Amr Diab from 1996, is probably the most successful recording of an Arabic singer (the chorus: “Ya Habibi”). In the less successful Film, “Where are You going, Habibi?” (Germany, 2015) falls in love with the Turkish-born Ibrahim in the Berlin Wrestler Alexander. Nice.

Flex – , hard rap. The Rapper Fler stammers in his Song “Flex”: “Flex’n, Babe, I’m on Flex-n – / the diamonds in the Roli are on the Shine”. So he says that he cuts with an angle grinder to the Rolex and the diamonds around. He’s not working in reality, he sighs. The Macho Rapper rumprotzen does the Flex what he does best:. Possibly the term originally comes from the Bodybuilding who flexes his muscles and self-complacent posing at the Flex; a well-known Bodybuilder magazine is called the Flex. In a figurative sense Flex means: float.

Who failed at rapping, is a Wack MC

31 traitors. “Twenty thirties” is a reference to paragraph 31 of the German narcotics law (the so-called “Judas-Clause”), which assures the offender criminal reduction for the case, according to his statements prevent further offences. Greater dissemination of the expression, thanks to Hip-Hop-formations, such as K. I. Z or the Rapper woman doctor found. Nothing to do 31 with the international calling code of the Netherlands, the 31. the French Department Haute-Garonne or the number of days in the months of January, March, may, July, August, October and December.

Stable super. Every Generation has its own expressions for “good”: for what, hip, rad, cool, swell, awesome, awesome, top awesome, super, hyper, mega. Who says today, “that was awesome” when he finds something great, however, is completely uncool, better wack said (see below). Not only moods, the weather, or bridges can be stable, but also good-looking women or parties. Caution: after a certain age and weight limit is stable for a woman, however, is not a compliment.

Wack bad. On the list of nominations for the youth word of the year, this onomatopoeic expression is available, what is actually a sure sign that he himself is somehow uncool and wack. Is bugged, the Langenscheidt-list again? A short survey has shown that wack is actually stable in the language use of students. As wack is referred to Hip-Hop, everything that is bad and lousy. A MC who doesn’t enjoy the rapping a lot of recognition is called Wack MC. The noun to wack is called the Wackness, it describes someone as weak and talentless.

Af totally, extremely (“as fuck”). You can add to in Internet forums for the amplification of the respective statement as well as any adjective (formerly: “full of soup”). For example: “The good is the af.” (This is really good.) Or: “I’m poor af.” (I’m really poor.) Human sexuality (such as the onomatopoeic “fuck”) is used in the youth language in General, as a reinforcing component: life Fucks me. Real cool thing. People, the POPs.