In the German Museum teaching students to develop ideas for a modern classroom in which students may experiment.

Martina Scherf

The convoy curving a round of accident-free through the course. Then it strung out. The medium-sized truck ramming into the front of the Truck, the rear is already off the roadway. Doesn’t matter, after all, it is the Daimler test site, but only to Lego truck on a Playground. “It’s a matter of principle,” explains Fabio Bove. And you understand the best errors in the System.

Bove, student at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), has the toy Truck programmed as an application example of Autonomous Driving. His LEGO cars to follow the vehicle in front, using the rear lights. Also his fellow student, Lea Fauser makes a car independently over the course whiz, sent it avoids obstacles and stays in front of a red traffic light. The two aspiring teachers in the new TUM-Lab in the Forum of the Deutsches Museum, as you want to inspire pupils to technology.

pictures of Digital pedagogy

Contemporary education

In the German school system is much to be desired. These Tools could carry on the digitization in the classroom.

“It is always nice to how students with fire zeal in the cause, if you understand that you can develop a complex topic such as Autonomous Driving,” says Fauser. In the beginning, you come in and think: Wow, now we have to learn something again, as in the school. But as soon as you are likely to experiment, be brakes. In a single morning, you write a program that is not more chains as before from the endless Numbers, but from a few symbols. Then let your vehicles drive.

next Door, Constantine Wiedorn shows how to fly analysed larvae from the Isar under the microscope. Since his second Semester, he keeps TUM-Lab courses in the German Museum. “This experience has reinforced my desire to become a teacher,” he says. “In the study, you will, unfortunately, not a lot of practice.” Now he is a trainee at one of Ingolstadt’s high school and experienced for the first Time, so really the school day. “In a school hour of 45 minutes of such experiments, as we do here with the students, of course, hardly to install,” he says. Nevertheless, he wanted to try Bahis Siteleri and as a teacher in the future to link theory and practice better. He has made himself.

The TUM-Lab for years, students of the courses in the German Museum. Now it has fixed space in the first floor of the forum. Wolfgang Heckl, General Director of the Museum, says that the TU is moved in. He wants to make the building part at the Ludwig bridge again completely available to the Public after renovation in the Foyer, state of the art technology to present. In the long term the Forum should be a place of learning.

“what is The teacher education in Germany in the Wicked one,”

Now are there, but once student teaching to develop, together with their professors experiments. This allows you to test in the TUM-Lab courses in the various departments of the Museum with the students didactically. “You should see that it is possible to do such things in the curriculum,” says Lab Director Miriam Voß. Modern teacher education would look like. The reality is far from it, however still light-years.

“The teacher education in Germany is in a sorry state”, says TUM President Wolfgang Herrmann at the opening of the new laboratory. “We all know how much creativity is released when the human freedom to Think and do Research.” He wishes that finished teacher would always spaces again, these are free, such as through a Sabbatical, a Sabbath year in which they were given at universities or in the economy new impetus. “That would bring new strength to the school system.” Germany is investing too little in the education of its youth, says Herrmann, “but it is our future, not us.”

In the learning lab experiment with student teachers in the future, with robots and computer-based applications, such as Autonomous Driving or micro-copy developing.

(photo: Robert Haas)

Kristina Reiss, the Director of the TUM School of Education, is convinced that the school could work a lot better if there were more teachers who are able to inspire their students. Digital technology is only one aspect, without the modern concepts of education and a competent teacher, you use, however little. “Effective Teaching no longer means that someone is standing in front of the class and his Knowledge is passed on,” says the mathematician. Students would then learn the most when you could develop in addition to the Practice of the necessary formulas, or words – content. This was not true but only for students. “We want to connect with this model of teacher education with fun.”

A study commissioned by the Munich art Academy, Acatech just came to the conclusion that there is a lack of schools “is still in a consistent political and social support”. It lacked not only Hardware and digital teaching material, teaching concepts, and trained teachers. “Digital media and technologies must be the subject,” say the experts. Because the digitization covering all the areas of life, would have to pre-purchase growing the capacity “for critical reflection-offered content and a basic understanding of the technologies used” – in school, where else? The TUM-Lab there is only a tiny component. But one of the fun.