Maersk Oil has a total of 700 employees working on a production platform out at sea, where the typical arbejdsrytmne is working two weeks out and then are at home and have free in three weeks.

The classical education, as these platforms-employees have is the blacksmith, electrician, engineer, stilladsbygger and additionally, many are trained engineers.

See also: TV: Life on the North sea: Come with on a platform 200 miles out in nothing

Before you can start a job offshore, you go through some sikkerhedskursur, as it is important to know what to put up, if sudden problems occur on the North sea.

Maersk Oil, which has 50 platforms in the North sea, six of which are inhabited, explains to Ekstra Bladet, that they are looking for potential employees who are safety minded, has a good atmosphere and an interest in other people.’

See also: Life on the North sea: – We have our own small community

Maersk Oil is not going after a certain profile, but they reveal that they are looking for ‘spacious people who have a drive and a stability.’

– It depends on what the specific team needs. But it is clear that you should be able to hold out to abrbejde away from home, and, in addition, it is very important that you have the hinterland in order, sounds from Maersk Oil, HR department, bl.a. taking care of recruitment in the North sea.