the Country’s largest taxi company Dantaxi trades largely with the licenses, which the company collects the home through the drawing of lots.

the Extra Leaf has looked at all the taxalicenser, which was given in 2018 by the Danish caa. The review shows that Dantaxi through a number of companies were 11 percent of all new licenses last year. In all got the taxi company 70 licenses.

today, there are only three of these back in Dantaxa. The rest is sold to other trucking companies. And it arouses criticism from the party who did not vote for the new taxalov, which entered into force on 1. January of last year.

– Now start to see the consequences of the law. It has never been supposed that one would be able to act with the permissions, and it is clear that it makes Dantaxi in a wild advantageous situation, says Henning Hyllested, trafikordfører for the party.

The new taxalov have liberalised taxamarkedet so that taxaselskaberne can operate across local authority borders. At the same time, it is supposed, that there must no longer be restriction on how many taxatilladelser that can be given.

Until the year 2020 can taxavognmænd thus, the search about 20 permits per day. quarter for each company, there are looking for. Dantaxi has since January 2018 created more than 600 companies, that can be used to seek permissions. Alone in the 2018 created Dantaxi through the company Capital Finance 330 new companies.

Dantaxi is owned by the foreign private equity fund Triton, and thus, the company has sufficient capital in the back to cover the economic requirements, that is for the companies which seek permissions. Thus, there must be an equity of 400,000 in the company, if it has to be search 20 permissions.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with several trucking companies who bought the licenses of Dantaxi. They do not want to come forward with the name, but they tell the dissent, that the new rules means that it is difficult for them to create an economy where they can buy tickets enough to be considered in the draw. Instead, they have purchased licenses of Dantaxi.

They do not want to tell, how much they paid for the licenses. However, says the dissent, that together with the purchase belongs an agreement, which obliges them to run for Dantaxi in a three-year period. This ensures Dantaxi, to the company’s logo will be spread out over the country, and the company earns money on each transaction set. Furthermore, buying carriers and equipment through Dantaxi.

As a Radio 24Syv and the Extra Magazine has described is Dantaxi today owned by private equity fund Triton. Through a number of companies in Denmark ends ownership in Luxembourg and then on to Jersey. Both places are known tax havens.

Dantaxi: There is a great demand on the permissions

Ekstra Bladet has asked Dantaxi, why it creates so many corporations when the licenses anyway not be used. Through the mail is the equivalent head of communications, Rasmus Krochin:

‘What is it for a contract, which road transport operators must enter into with you when they take over the company?’

‘It is a cooperation agreement between the two companies, which sets out the future cooperation between the owner (the hauler) and kørselskontoret (Dantaxi 4×48).’

‘Last year were awarded licenses to 70 companies, which was founded by Capital Finance. Today the owner of Capital Finance, only three of these. Why is it that the Capital Finance seek so many permissions, when the company itself does not want to use them?’

‘There is a great demand on the permissions that will be drawn for each quarter up to 2021.’

‘A large number of our carriers and drivers have expressed a great desire to acquire one of these permits. ‘

‘Our intention is that the permissions which we acquire subsequently offered to the hauler, and the drivers, whom we know and who we know provide a high taxi service. ‘

‘Every quarter are drawn on 125 new permits. A big hauler from a competing company invented a year ago a method to optimize the probability to be extracted to a taxitilladelse. The method is to create a number of IVS companies. The authorities approved after the first lodtrækningsrunde method.’