iHLN The Chinese supplier of smart phones and network technology, Huawei has today in Brussels a centre for cybersecurity and transparency opened, and that under massive media coverage. More than seventy journalists from twenty countries came to take a look at the brand new office in the rue guimard.

Huawei already is for a long time under pressure in the western world. In particular, the United States, accusing the company of it equipment to open up for the Chinese government so that it can spy. Also in Belgium, the Center for Cybersecurity (CCB) an investigation for possible espionage to Huawei network infrastructure provides to Proximus and Orange, so got in december known.

also Read Huawei places full-page ad in Us newspaper: “don’t Believe everything you hear”

Self deny Huawei any and all allegations. According to the Chinese group were also not the reason for the opening of the new centre in Brussels, as the plans for the centre all date back to 2017. Huawei-chairman, Ken Hu, stated in his speech, however, to know that the centre “is now more important than ever”.