the Group behind the football club OB Odense Sport & Event, has on Friday presented their total records for the year 2018, which shows a thumping deficit of 38 million dollars.
A big part of the reason for the bad accounts is to be found in the disappointing sporting results as the OB delivered last year. There was budgeted with a place in the top 6, but the striped from the island of Fyn, reached only number nine in the unique in scandinavia because the base game last year.
OB-sports director, Jesper Hansen, acknowledges that the Danish club have not lived up to expectations in the past season. He tries, however, to focus on lyspunkterne in the sport and seen the dark period.
– Our location outside of the top-6 in season 2017/2018 was not satisfactory and did not live up to the objective we had set for ourselves. Although the objective was not met, so we think that we are constantly taking small steps that move us as a club and as a team.
– moreover, We still have a great focus on our talentarbejde and investment in our Academy, just like we have in 2019 is going to invest in better facilities for Superligatruppen in the Valley, says the sports director Jesper Hansen in a press release from Odense Sport & Event.
the OB can also enjoy the pleasure of a tilskuervækst in the fall of 2018 at seven percent compared with the year before.
the OB has this season delivered great games and is in third place in the premier League. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen.
At a general meeting on Thursday, it was agreed that the group will carry out a capital increase, which will bring 60 million dollars. It is the company’s current shareholders, who have committed to pengeindsprøjtningen.
Chairman of the board at Odense Sport & Event, Niels Thorborg, is positive about the capital increase, but did not mention specifically what millionerne to be invested in.
despite less good results in recent years, there is still a substantial and attractive potential in Odense Sport & Event. Similarly, there is support from the company’s shareholders, and with the capital increase we are strengthening our financial room for manoeuvre. On the way, we are demonstrating due diligence and allows that we may pursue any opportunities that may arise along the way, says Niels Thorborg in a press release.
The upscale athletic performance in 2019 has given the chairman of the board of faith in a clear improvement in the current fiscal year.
– There is a reason that we can see clearly more positive in 2019, and that it is reflected in our expectations. There is good progress in several areas in the group, where the most pronounced of course is fodboldforretningen, where we are in the fight for the medals. It obviously creates more interest all the way around and can be felt economically, ” says Niels Thorborg.
How to get OB’s new clubhouse to look like. Photo: Odense Sport & Event
the Same day as the group presented the large deficit, there was also a more positive news from the carl nielsen. The club have plans ready for a new clubhouse at the træningsanlægget in the Valley, which has been underway for several years.
A completely necessary investment, according to Jesper Hansen.
– The new Superliga-house has long been a strategic priority, and I think that I have worked with the construction over the last four years. The location of the Superliga-the house has been one of the big questions, but after clarifying with the local authority about the establishment of new kunstbaner in the river Valley and the grass airfields on Falen, there has not been any doubt about where we should be.
– It is therefore great that we can now finally present the plans for the future home of Odense’s Superliga squad. We need to invest in the future, and therefore it has also be necessary to invest in new facilities, says sports director Jesper Hansen.
OB ended unique in scandinavia because the base game at a third place, after the club or was at the very end with just two points after six rounds. The open mesterskabspillet out against Brøndby IF.
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