Brussels metro Black Ponds in Molenbeek came Friday afternoon, hundreds of primary school pupils together to create drawings and colorful vlagjes to hang. The children protest along with their teachers from the violence that their municipality struck on new year’s eve.

On the initiative of the Molenbeekse community school “The wind rose” attracted hundreds of students Friday to the metro station, the Black Ponds. There lived vandals on new year’s eve off, shops to plunder, and the street furniture to destroy.

Read also Yassine (19) saw the situation in Molenbeek escalate and reacts in horror: “The parents of those young people bear great responsibility,” a Positive message

The young students of the school find it very Molenbeek constantly in a bad light and want to be in the place a peaceful message of their branch spread. Therefore, colored they are drawings with beautiful messages and let their voice be heard, accompanied with drums and plastic bottles. the

“With this gesture we want to show that the Slope a fine place to live and that there are also positive ‘vibes’ to hang in the church”, says Freya Francen, teacher of the second grade in “The wind rose”.

“Quite stupid”

“What those people have done is very stupid,” says the 11-year-old Minaal on Bruzz. “They must be new year celebration as everyone else.” The 10-year-old Radia is “violence really doesn’t like”. “In the houses that are on fire were stabbed, lived people who also just wanted to celebrate,” she adds. Also, Mamadou (10) has no good word to say about the rioters. “Some people are sick and even death. And then tackle the others their medications”, says referring to the looting in a pharmacy.

Some people are sick and even death. And then tackle the others their medications.

Mamadou (10)

Several students came specifically to support the trader of the geplunderde store. “We are dressed up in nurses to the pharmacy to support that has been destroyed,” says Lyn Cabbaert, trainee at primary school, Four Winds. “We want to show that there are also positive people live in Molenbeek”.