The area in which the Tram with the number 9 and the direction of the West, driving back to the city, knows Heinz shaded. The SVP-politician who is elected today, in all likelihood, to the President of the city Parliament, who has been living for over 40 years in Schwamendingen. For this constituency he has been in the municipal Council elected, here he was involved previously in the School, in the neighborhood Association and business Association. “The usual slog,” he says.

In Schwamendingen grew up with his three children who are all grown up, and went to school. And on the sponge thing place Heinz shaded will invite this afternoon, the municipal Council, but also the population to a drinks reception to celebrate his presidency. For a year he will have it.

The 65-Year-old will be happy. On the Feast, but to also represent the city of Zurich. Time, he has to. For the past three months, the civil engineer, is retired.


The tram line 9 was ideal to portray him, he says during the ride. Because they’ll lead to places that are personally important, but also for the policy of the city and the city itself. While Boarding a blue-and-white vehicle, he told that he was on the weekend at the sports complex of the army schürli to see a Baseball game. The game and the rules he did not understand, it is much more important to him was to spend time with his two grandchildren. 50 million Swiss francs approved by the population in 2007, in order to realize the sports complex. For Heinz shaded a wise decision.

At the bus stop Luegisland points shaded on the electric business. This led, recently, of his 33-year-old son, who has a dozen employees. And something behind the house he inhabited with his wife. “Nothing Big,” he says. The approximately 90-year-old attached house belongs to them since 1987, and twice they converted. Before that, she lived in two cooperative apartments.

The Tram rushes further in the direction of sponge thing in place and slides into the Tunnel – the only piece of the U-Bahn in Zurich, which was finally realized, as well as shaded white. 1960 and 1973, the Zurich electorate had rejected the then billion expensive construction projects. Another hugely expensive project is of concern to the district people shadow at the moment. This can not be seen from the tram tunnel, but it is a reality for a month over the Tunnel almost a Kilometer long Canopy over the highway. “This has engaged the neighborhood over 30 years ago.”

enclosure soon become obsolete?

From the initial idea of a lightweight construction as a noise protection tunnel has a solution with a public Park on the roof. On both sides of the tunnel, the Residential buildings will be replaced, which will cost a total of about one billion Swiss francs. “As district representative, I have campaigned for housing, today, I must admit, however, that the SVP with right warned of the high costs.” If the project in five years to be finished, I caught up with the technical development may already have: “in the near future, electric powered car will travel almost silently and without exhaust fumes on these roads.”

With the quarter, Heinz shaded fighting for over 30 years, for the enclosure of the motorway in Schwamendingen. Today, the solution he thinks is to expensive. Photo by: Marc Dahinden

The motorist speaks

the journey Continues to the stop seilbahn Rigiblick. For shading, a pattern example and a Symbol for the false, ideological transport policy of the left-green majority in the city. “I’m not only with the Tram on the way. As a motorist I see here almost any time of the day floor traffic or traffic jams.” The reason is that the speed limit is 30 and a strict traffic regime with three pedestrian crossings in quick succession. The tram stop Winkelriedstrasse, in turn, is equipped with a Kaphaltestelle. Cars, but also blue light vehicles, the driving direction of the city, you must stop behind the Tram when this enters the station. This shadow lasts for a disability of the private transport.

In Höngg studied

ETH/Universitätsspital is the name of the next stop of the Trams. To has two shaded. In the University hospital his wife works. At ETH he has, for a civil engineer to train. “The first of four semesters I have studied here at ETH, I was one of the first students who attended on the hönggerberg campus of the ETH.” New and modern with the best conditions for the study of everything. The traces he has left and later as a civil engineer in the city. So he was for the Expansion of the railway station Hardbrücke from two to four tracks to take charge of with all the underpasses and entrances. And for a General company, he calculated the cost of large-scale projects such as the Prime Tower or the Complex Sihlcity.

The Tram happened to the Kantonalbank, one of his daughters is working, and comes place to the parade. Here is the opinion of the new Council President at the Bank of Zurich, as the interesting. But in the meantime, the conversation about construction projects in the city has evolved to a discussion about the housing policy. And since shadow admits his personal opinion, which surprised with a SVP-politician: There is a need in the city, in addition to the private investors for two-thirds of the residential construction volumes, the municipal and co-operative housing sector with a share of one third.


accepts “I am convinced that the city should build on your Land yourself. I do not think that Private can build cheaper.” Land in construction law, he is also wrong: “That, in itself, means the same as a land sale. And since anyway I would be against it.” In the SVP group, he was with the opinion, of course, in the minority. Nevertheless, he is wrong in the municipal Council with his SVP colleagues. When forced, he does not see the. “It’s a deal that we have imposed on ourselves.”

The bed house at the hospital Triemli is for Heinz shading is not a building, but is the perfected Zurich Finish. Photo: Samuel Schalch

Now the Tram is driving to his destination, the Triemli. From the station it is only a few steps up to the hospital. Here, too, a Symbol of urban policy: the bed house, which opened three years ago and still shines like on the first day. 300 million Swiss francs it cost. Schatt says: “This is not a functional building, but a typical Züri-Finish.” In fact, the huge building looks more like a luxury hotel because, as a hospital.


Created: 07.05.2019, 21:29 PM