A few weeks ago a member of the Landtag found in an inspection of the “anchor building” in the radio barracks in showers proliferating mold. Residents have reported intolerable conditions of life. The Green party politician Gülseren Demirel was during her visit shocked by the in the refugee accommodation to prevailing conditions, and urged the government of upper Bavaria to Act. During your visit, the bathrooms are renovated. And not only that: The General conditions in the refugee accommodation improve. the Thomas calls

Moldy rooms, showers, crowded living, water damage in the doctor’s room, children, the paint in the hallway on the bare stone floor, because there is no other place: the member of the Landtag, the state refugee accommodation visited Gülseren Demirel a month ago in the radio barracks, was the Green party politician shocked and demanded that the government of upper Bavaria “immediately” had to intervene. This Friday, Demirel made a second inspection visit to the so-called anchor-Dependance on the Frankfurter Ring. “From the mould, nothing more is to see the room renovations started, the showers are being renovated,” said Demirel after your visit to the site of the süddeutsche Zeitung.

a short time Ago, prevailed in the radio barracks in the shower the usury of the mold.

(photo: Private)

the government of President Maria Els had told her during the visit, that in may, a football pitch and a Playground. Also, for a so-called family room is the funds are approved, the Work should begin in may. “I wonder, though, why it was necessary that we had to protest,” said Demirel, “I hope that was an example.” For the currently 153 Refugees, housed in the old barracks, has been able to reach the Green politicians also other small facilities in the drab everyday life. So mothers now have to request a kettle in your room so you can prepare the baby food easier. Currently, 35 babies under a year as well as 52 small children living there between one and three years.

Meanwhile, the bathrooms have been renovated.

(photo: Private)

the POI had been reported Since the beginning of March, on the conditions in the “anchor branch”, has reduced the occupancy to almost 80 people. “That alone relaxed the atmosphere there is now more air to Breathe,” says Andrea Betz, who is in the Inner Mission of Munich, for the help for refugees, Migration and Integration issues. The Inner Mission is in the refugee accommodation social care responsible. At your request, is to develop a so-called Mini-family house, where children and parents throughout the day and advise can be handled.

can Also be used in the future second “anchor-Dependance” on the moss field, which is to be opened according to the current status in may, is the Internal Mission employees. On Thursday there was a first ascent of the employees of the government, of the social unit and the Inner Mission. “There is a new house concept is born,” said Betz. “Therefore, there is now the Chance that this will be designed on the people along.” Mayor Christine Strobl (SPD) will make next Tuesday from the future, as well as the radio-an image of a barracks.