“Ica-merchant Tommy’s fine christmas gift for their employees: time Off on christmas eve,”

“For many, it is a matter of course to be available on christmas eve but not for those who work within the trade industry. Therefore, the met Ica-merchant Tommy said berkita s …. mon of applause when he announced to their employees that they may be available on christmas eve, writes Eskilstuna-Kuriren. “

“– this costs me a bit more but at the same time, it gives me a lot, ” he says to Aftonbladet. “

“It was in the last summer, the Ica-merchant Tommy said berkita s …. mon and store manager at Ica Kvantum Ekängen in Eskilstuna came on they should have closed on christmas eve. After a management meeting it was decided – the employees would get time off on december 24. When he announced the decision, he was greeted by applause.”

“– instead of buying something to the staff so it will be this year’s christmas gift to the staff, ” he says and continues:”

“– It would have been cheaper to buy a christmas gift, this costs me a bit more but at the same time, it gives me a lot of. I see the vigor in the stages of the staff, they are much happier and has a completely different energy when they know that they have a day where they are available, which is sick in this industry.”

“It is quite a long time ago a Icabutik were closed on christmas eve, sometime in the 1980s, it should have been, writes Eskilstuna-Kuriren who paid attention to the initiative.”

“– Now, we felt that we put our foot down here, now, we close on christmas eve.”

“In that people are familiar with the fact that the shop is open, hailed the decision, including by the customers. “

“– I wondered how the customers would react. I felt like Karl Bertil Jonsson, a bit shaky in the beginning then got confirmed that you’ve done and thought right.”

“the Staff will not lose any of his salary, but will be able to make up the day at a later time. If it will be closed even next christmas is not decided yet.”