Idol+ FOLLOW”Idol”-Sebastian finaltaktik – avoid contact with the KadiatouNÖJE

They made a finalpakt after the fifth Friday’s finale.

Now tries to Sebastian to avoid his ”Idol”-opponents Kadiatou.

– I hugs not a lot right now, I’m not, ” he says to Nöjesbladet.

Sebastian Walldén , 23, tricks, one of the two places in the ”Idol”-the ruling on Friday, after last week’s semi-final.

When Nöjesbladet reach him on the phone he is still in shock.

– I do not really understand that this is going to happen to me. That all this scene, all the people who work here, and all of the sound and light – is structured to I and Kadiatou to stand and sing there. It is an absurd, but cool, feeling.

it is Based on the tension?

– Not right now, but it will come. This is such a sick thing that it is not possible to take on. But on Friday, it will probably like a punch to the face: ”Oh, shit. What have I gotten myself in to?”

How will you handle it, do you think?

– You can just breathe through it and enjoy it too. To be nervous and psyched for something is probably the same thing, purely psychological. It is a little bit how you choose to look at it. I choose to look at it as that I is tagged and then it will resolve itself. It will be svinhäftigt.

But it is not just the nerves that Sebastian has to deal with. The virus thrives in the ”Idol”camp. the Kadiatou Holm Keita däckades of a cold for the semi-final and was forced to seek a stämbandsläkare Wednesday.

”I don’t sit central location and easy access Kadiatou”

Sebastian have their tricks to avoid being infected – through to avoid Kadiatou.

– I hugs not a lot right now, I’m not, ” he says with a laugh.

– I have a förkylningsspray at the ready, so I go and spray the throat all the time. I handspritar hands, trying, as I say, not hugging as much, and I don’t sit central location and easy access Kadiatou either.

But the mood that both of the finalists in between is in spite of everything good. Sebastian and Kadiatou has since the fifth Friday’s finale hoped secretly that those two would get to stand on the Globe stage.

Hoped to be in the final together

– I and Kadiatou is very, very close friends. I can’t say that we are more rivals now. We have it cosy together and are very excited to do this together. When they started to talk a little bit finaltankar, which it did first in program five, then said Kadiatou and I to each other that we hope that we two will stand there. We said how sick it was, and so we began to giggle and so. And so it happened. After last Friday’s finale, when we looked at each other and just, ”this is so sick!”

Finale of ”Idol” is broadcast on TV4 and TV4 Play on Friday at 20.00

1 of 2 | Photo: Urban Andersson”Idol”-finalists Kadiatou Holm Keita and Sebastian Walldén.