The Andalusia regional elections will take place on June 19, when 6,641,828 Andalusians will be summoned to the polls. This is done to ensure that most citizens are able to vote.

However, more than 6,000,000 Andalusians will be eligible to vote on June 19. Many will still have Sundays as a work day. This is something that could conflict with the right of all citizens to vote, which they have.

Article 37 of the Workers’ Statute states that workers can be absent from work to perform “an inexcusable public or personal duty.” Workers who wish to vote, but whose work hours do not coincide with elections, have certain rights.

Workers whose work hours coincide with the opening of polling stations may apply to vote. A 4-hour paid permit will be granted to those whose schedules are aligned for at least 6 hours. A match of between 4 and 6 hours will result in a 3 hour time limit. If the coincidence lasts between two and four hours, it will take two hours.

Workers can not vote during work hours if they are not given prior notice. It will be the company, not the worker, that determines when workers can use the paid work permit. To ensure that this leave is paid and effective, employees must request a receipt at the time they vote.